Business Model Configurations for High Performance
conference paper
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Abstract (De)
The design of their business models is decisive for the market success of entrepreneurial ventures attempting to commercialize an emerging technology. Growing evidence suggests that entrepreneurs can draw on a series of proven mechanisms, business model patterns, for business model innovation. Yet, these patterns typically only cover individual parts of a complete business model, and few have been examined in relation to start-up success. As a result, little is known about how patterns are successfully combined for commercializing technological innovation. In this study of 730 business models from the artificial intelligence, drones, and augmented/virtual reality industry, we probe how highly successful entrepreneurial ventures combine patterns into consistent business models. Unexpectedly, we identify configurations, which are based on only three elementary patterns, i.e. Layer Player, Open Business Model, and Solution Provider and a limited number of complementary patterns to form distinct variants. Our emergent theory hence builds on three dominant business model configurations that exist across different technology domains. We thereby contribute to theoretical concepts on business models and open innovation. Knowledge on these configurations and their variants can enable practitioners to better leverage business model patterns for systematic business model innovation.
Business model innovation
business model pattern
technology ventures
HSG Classification
contribution to practical use / society
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