Editorial by Sandra King-Savić (PDF)
The Western Balkan Migration Route and the Online Media Coverage of the Citizens’ Protests by Dragana Kovačević Bielicki (PDF)
Hidden labor: Albanian migration in late-socialist Croatia by Rory Archer (PDF)
South-East European Munich: Displaced Persons – Guest Workers– Europeans by Karolina Novinšćak Kölker (PDF)
Reframing Integration from the Perspective of those who Experienced Migration: An Ethnography with former Labor Migrants and Refugees from the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) by Sandra King-Savić (PDF)
On the nationalism of the gastarbajteri by Mišo Kapetanović (PDF)
Full text of issue
How to reference this issue:
Sandra, King-Savić, ed. "Migration and Mobilities within the Yugosphere: Migration Patterns From, and Within the Former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia". Euxeinos - Culture and Governance in the Black Sea Region, Vol. 11, No. 31 (2021).