*Set the number of observations and the seed set obs 1000 set seed 1 *Generate female, experience and lwage generate female=(uniform()<0.5) generate experience=4*invchi2(5,uniform())*(1-0.4*female) generate lwage=2+experience*0.03 /// -0.1*female+invnormal(uniform())*(0.6-0.2*female) *Decomposition of the median difference in lwage between men and women. *We use 100 quantile regression in the first step and we don't estimate *the standard errors (both are default values): rqdeco3 lwage experience, by(female) quantile(0.5) *Interpretation: the observed median gender gap is about 41%. *About 29% is explained by gender differences in the distribution of experience. *About 12% is due to differing median coefficients between men and women. *The part due to the residuals is negligible. *Decomposition of the 99 percentile differences in lwage between men *and women. We estimate 100 quantile regression in the first step and *estimate the standard errors by bootstraping the results 100 times. *We don't require a print of the results: rqdeco3 lwage experience, by(female) qlow(0.01) qhigh(0.99) /// qstep(0.01) vce(boot) reps(100) noprint *We can find the point estimates in the matrix r(results): matrix list r(results) *We can find the standard errors in the matrix r(se): matrix list r(se) *We prepare the data to plot the results: matrix results=r(results) matrix se=r(se) svmat results, names(col) svmat se, names(col) *We plot the decomposition as a function of the quantile: twoway (line total_differential quantile) /// (line residuals quantile) (line median quantile) /// (line characteristics quantile), /// legend(order(1 "Total differential" /// 2 "Effects of residuals" 3 "Effects of median coefficients" /// 4 "Effects of characteristics")) /// title(Decomposition of differences in distribution) /// ytitle(Log wage effects) xtitle(Quantile) *Interpretation: the observed gap is increasing (in absolute value) *when we move up on the wage distribution. Actually, women are *positively discriminated at the bottom of the distribution. Both *the experience distribution, the median coefficients and the *residuals are responsible for this result. *The experience distribution is less dispersed for *women than for men. The residuals also are less dispersed for *women than for men. Quantitatively, the second effect is more *important than the first one. The difference between the median *coefficients explain the different location but not the dispersion *of the distributions. *We prepare the data to plot a 95% confidence interval for the *effects of median coefficients: generate lo_residuals=residuals-1.96*se_residuals generate hi_residuals=residuals+1.96*se_residuals *We plot the effects of coefficients with a 95% confidence interval: twoway (rarea hi_residuals lo_residuals quantile, bcolor(gs13) legend(off)) /// (line residuals quantile, /// title(Effects of residuals) /// ytitle(Log wage effects) xtitle(Quantile))