Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Publication
    Future Urban Screens - New Concepts for Urban Screens
    ( 2005-09-24)
    Resatsch, Florian
    Michelis, Daniel
    Weber, Corina
    Schildhauer, Thomas
    Nicolai, Thomas
    Various projects showed recently that the passers-by in public space suffer a lack of attention to public screens regardless their sizes and content. Two recently developed concepts show on the basis of examples possible ways to grab people's attention by using new ways of interaction or new points of view. The screens in "Urban Moves" use cameras and information technology to directly interact with the passers-by whereas the concept "Urban SubScreens" deals with new ideas to place screens and let people choose how to interact.
  • Publication
    Digital Augmented Library
    ( 2005)
    Nicolai, Thomas
    Resatsch, Florian
  • Publication
    RFID im Kundensektor: Eine qualitative Situationsanalyse
    ( 2005-02-11)
    Schildhauer, Thomas
    Resatsch, Florian
    Michelis, Daniel
    Nicolai, Thomas
  • Publication
    The Disappearance of the Screen: Research on Audible Interfaces in the Ubiquitous Computing Environment
    (IEEE CS Press, 2005-07-11)
    Michelis, Daniel
    Resatsch, Florian
    Nicolai, Thomas
    Schildhauer, Thomas
    The world of ubiquitous computing, which by definition includes mobile devices of every kind, leads us to an era of small computer devices, usable in everyday situations. Computers are becoming smaller and operate discreetly in the background. This paper deals with the disappearance of screen that is described and specified according to Lev Manovich. In doing research on radio frequency identification (RFID), this paper shows one possible way to interact with ubiquitous computers - primarily exploring audible interfaces. The paper describes a research project of the University of Arts Berlin and the University of St. Gallen and proposes future research questions.
    Scopus© Citations 3
  • Publication
    The Web of Augmented Physical Objects
    (IEEE CS Press, 2005-07-11)
    Nicolai, Thomas
    Resatsch, Florian
    Michelis, Daniel
    This article investigates the growing complexity and connectivity between two former separated interaction spaces - the real and the virtual world. It is our attempt to augment the physical world to a world of digitally augmented objects. Moreover we are looking at real products tagged with digital communication units like embedded systems or the RFID technology. To understand these impacts we need to identify the different levels of connectivity between real and virtual worlds and therefore the relationship of a product with its digital counterpart. As a point of departure we define the terms medium and agent to get a theoretical view on the associations in the real and virtual world. We identify the digital identification of virtually enhanced products as a main part for the creation of a new networked physical world where real products are heavily connected to and with their digital counterparts.
    Scopus© Citations 10