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HIV/AIDS knowledge differentials by Geopolitical, Social and Economic Status: Evidence from Surveyed Children in South East Asia

2004-01-01 , Vazquez-alvarez, Rosalia

Diskussionspapier, Volkswirtschaftliche Abteilung, Universität St. Gallen#### The HIV/AIDS epidemic is a major public health threat, with evidence showing that information campaigns are effective policy tools to control its evolution. Many of these are designed to increase children's knowledge on HIV before they become sexually active or start to experiment with intravenous drugs, with the effectiveness of such campaigns subject to the extend to which they reach all sectors in the population. This paper applies matching methods and techniques for programme evaluation to detect differentials in children's knowledge on HIV/AIDS by geopolitical, social and economic status, allowing for health risk-taking behaviour. Drawing from a sample of surveyed children in South East Asia and the Pacific, the results show support for Amartya Sen's (2002) suggested negative effect of non-democracies on HIV/AIDS awareness, although children in democracies with low development and/or low HIV-prevalence seem to be less well equipped to deal with the epidemic. Within-country results suggest that gender, schooling status and living in a urban setting are determinants of knowledge differentials, while parental income or occupation are not. This study has policy implications with respect to what sectors in the population should information campaigns target. Download Discussion Paper: (pdf, 500kb)

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Matching Estimators and Optimal Bandwidth Choice

2004-01-01 , Froelich, Markus

Discussion paper#### Optimal bandwidth choice for matching estimators and their finite sample properties are examined. An approximation to their MSE is derived, as a basis for a plug-in bandwidth selector. In small samples, this approximation is not very accurate, though. Alternatively, conventional cross-validation bandwidth selection is considered and performs rather well. Compared to standard pair-matching, kernel and ridge matching achieve reductions in MSE of about 25 to 40%. Local linear matching and weighting perform poorly. Furthermore, the scope for developing better bandwidth selectors seems to be limited for ridge matching, but non-negligible for kernel and local linear matching. Download Discussion Paper: (pdf, 610 kb) Download Appendix: (pdf, 1652 kb) former title: Covariate adjustment and optimal bandwidth choice

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Heterogenous Effects of Public Employment Programmes in Sachsen-Anhalt

1999-01-01 , Eichler, Martin

Präsentation am IWH-Workshop zum Thema Evaluation of Active Labor Market Policy and Welfare Programs, Halle/Saale, 10.12.1999####

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Employment Effects of Active Labour Market Programmes in Eastern Germany

1999-01-01 , Puhani, Patrick

Präsentation am Annual Meeting of Econometric Society and American Social Science Associations, New York, 4.1.1999####

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Korreferat zu R. Lalive and J. Zweimüller: How Does Maximum Unemployment Benefit Duration Affect the Transition Rate to Jobs? Accounting for Policy Endogeneity

2000-01-01 , Puhani, Patrick

Präsentation am CEPR - IZA European Summer Symposium in Labour Economics, Buch a. Ammersee, 29.9.2000####

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Nonparametric regression for binary dependent variables

2004-01-01 , Froelich, Markus

revised version of Discussion paper 2001-12#### Finite-sample properties of nonparametric regression for binary dependent variables are analyzed. Nonparametric regression is generally considered as highly variable in small samples when the number of regressors is large. In binary choice models, however, it may be more reliable since its variance is bounded. The precision in estimating conditional means as well as marginal effects is investigated in settings with many explanatory variables (14 regressors) and small sample sizes (250 or 500 observations). The Klein Spady estimator, Nadaraya-Watson regression and local linear regression often perform poorly. Local logit regression, on the other hand, is 10 to 70% more precise than parametric regression. In an application to female labour supply, local logit finds heterogeneity in the effects of children on employment that is not detected by parametric nor semiparametric estimation. Download Discussion Paper: (pdf, 921 kb) former title: Applied higher-dimensional nonparametric regression

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Immigration and Heterogeneous Labor in Western Germany

2001-01-01 , Puhani, Patrick

MIT Labor Lunch, 2.10.2001, Cambridge, MA; Rutgers University Labor Economics and Econometrics Seminar, New Brunswick, NJ, 12.10.2001####

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Identification of Effects of Dynamic Treatments by Sequential Conditional Independence Assumptions

2002-01-01 , Miquel, Ruth

Präsentation beim Forscungseminar, IFAU, Schweden, 9.10.2002#### Link to corresponding paper

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Nonparametric IV estimation of local average treatment effects with covariates

2002-01-01 , Froelich, Markus

IZA Diskussionspapier 588#### In this paper nonparametric instrumental variable estimation of local average treatment effects (LATE) is extended to incorporate confounding covariates. Estimation of local average treatment effects is appealing since their identification relies on much weaker assumptions than the identification of average treatment effects in other nonparametric instrumental variable models. Including covariates in the estimation of LATE is necessary when the instrumental variable itself is endogenous (e.g. when the instrument is self-selected). However, all previous approaches to handle covariates in the estimation of LATE rely on parametric or semiparametric methods. In this paper, a nonparametric estimator for the estimation of LATE with covariates is suggested that is root-n asymptotically normal and efficient. Download Discussion Paper: (pdf, 819 kb)

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Arbeitsbeschaffungsmassnahmen (ABM) in Sachsen-Anhalt: Vorläufige Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung der Beschäftigungschancen von Teilnehmern im ersten Arbeitsmarkt

1997-01-01 , Eichler, Martin

Forschungsbeiträge zum Arbeitsmarkt in Sachsen-Anhalt, Ministerium für Arbeit, Soziales und Gesundheit, 10, 25-56#### Mit Hilfe des Paneldatensatzes "Arbeitsmarktmonitors Sachsen-Anhalt" werden die Eingliederungschancen von TeilnehmerInnen an Arbeitsbeschaffungsmassnahmen (ABM) in den ersten Arbeitsmarkt untersucht. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage, in welchem Umfang ABM dazu beitragen, Angebot und Nachfrage auf dem sachsen-anhaltischen Arbeitsmarkt auszugleichen. Es wird geleichzeitig auf auf die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen derartiger Untersuchungen eingegangen. Download Discussion Paper: (pdf, 145 kb)