Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
  • Publication
  • Publication
    Business Case for Enterprise Mashups
    (SAP AG, 2010)
    Kramer, Simone
    Hoyer, Volker
    Peukert, Hans
    Fuchsloch, Andrea
    Kowalkiewicz, Marek
    Despite the importance of a business case for supporting an investment decision, no statistics are available which evaluate the real value of enterprise mashups. The present SAP Research White Paper closes this gap and calculates the costs and benefits of enterprise mashups by means of a real-world scenario.
  • Publication
    SAP Research RoofTop Marketplace: Putting a Face on Service-Oriented Architectures
    ( 2009-06-18)
    Hoyer, Volker
    Janner, Till
    The huge demand for situational and ad-hoc applications desired by the mass of business end users cannot be fully covered by traditional Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs). By putting a face on SOA, Enterprise Mashups empower these end users to combine and reuse Web-based resources within minutes to create value added applications. In our presentation, we introduce the SAP Research RoofTop Marketplace prototype that transfers established marketplace concepts to the Enterprise Mashup paradigm in order to leverage the power of peer production. The underlying concepts and the resulting architecture of the platform are presented. By means of a business scenario, the features of the grassroots Enterprise Mashup platform are demonstrated. The symposium on "Future Trends in Service-oriented Computing" (FutureSOC) 2009 is held for the fourth time at the Hasso Plattner Institute. FutureSOC highlights the recent work of some Research School members and outlines new trends in the area of Service-oriented Computing.
  • Publication
    Enterprise Mashups - Umdenken im Projektmanagement
    (Heise Zeitschriften Verlag, 2009-10-01)
    Hoyer, Volker
    Mashups ermöglichen es Endnutzern, individuelle Applikationen innerhalb von Minuten zu erstellen. Die IT-Abteilung spielt dabei eine neue Rolle als Vermittler zwischen Anwendern sowie internen und externen Diensteanbietern. Mit klassischem Projektmanagement kommt man hier nicht weiter. Agile Method eignen sie jedoch gut für die Aufgabe.
  • Publication
    SAP Research RoofTop Marketplace
    ( 2009-04-20)
    Hoyer, Volker
    Gilles, Florian
    Fleischmann, Kathrin
    Dreiling, Alexander
    Enterprise Mashups have gained momentum in the last years. Business users with no or limited programming skills are empowered to leverage in a collaborative manner existing mashable components. By combining and reusing Web-based resources within minutes, business users are able to create new value added applications to solve an individual and ad-hoc business problem. In this demo, we show the SAP Research RoofTop Marketplace prototype that transfers established marketplace concepts and principles to the Enterprise Mashup paradigm in order to handle business and organizational challenges of the Mashup paradigm in enterprise environments.
  • Publication
    Business Values of Automating Unstructured Decision Processes with Dynamic Enterprise Mashups
    ( 2010-06-22)
    Peukert, Hans
    Hoyer, Volker
    Fuchsloch, Andrea
    Lincourt, David
    Kowalkiewicz, Marek
    The typical information worker in military organizations faces on a daily basis the need to make decisions. These processes are unstructured and most often non-repeatable meaning it is not possible to create relevant IT applications in advance by traditional software development approaches such as Service-Oriented Architectures. The information worker has to react on alerts and events in ad-hoc fashion following Boyd's OODA loop. A new development paradigm, known as enterprise mashups, has gained momentum in recent years. It enables information workers to create situational applications on their own. However, current discussions both in the scientific and industrial community are limited on technical aspects such as the development of relevant mashup platforms which allow composing dynamically applications to make a decision. We extend the previous research in facilitating the building and collaboration through social software. Thus, the question arises what are the actual business values of this new paradigm for military organizations? This present paper closes this gap by analyzing a real-world defense scenario which we have implemented by means of the mashup prototype SAP Research Rooftop Marketplace. A case study reports about the challenges of typical decision processes in military organizations and how dynamic enterprise mashups can improve the decision quality as well as the decision time. For each phase (observe, orient, decide and act) of the OODA loop, we analyze and quantify the business values.
  • Publication
  • Publication
    SAP Research RoofTop Marketplace: Putting a Face on Service-Oriented Architectures
    (IEEE Computer Society Press, 2009-07-08)
    Hoyer, Volker
    Gilles, Florian
    Janner, Till
    The huge demand for situational and ad-hoc applications desired by the mass of business end users cannot be fully covered by traditional Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs). By putting a face on SOA, Enterprise Mashups empower these end users to combine and reuse Web-based resources within minutes to create value added applications. In this paper, we present the SAP Research RoofTop Marketplace prototype that transfers established marketplace concepts to the Enterprise Mashup paradigm in order to leverage the power of peer production. The underlying concepts and the resulting architecture of the platform are presented. By means of a business scenario, the features of the grassroosts Enterprise Mashup platform are demonstrated. IEEE Service Cup 2009 awarded by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Services Computing
    Scopus© Citations 12