Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Business Model Innovation : Leveraging existing logics for future opportunities
    (Research and Development Management, 2013-06-26) ;
    Eisert, Uli
    In recent years business model innovations have raised much attention among both researchers and practitioners. Nevertheless, they are still poorly understood compared to other types of innovations. Thus, the innovation process is imperfectly supported and best practices are rarely used. While companies very often include knowledge about existing solutions systematically into the innovation process for products, services or processes, they are not on the same level when it comes to business model innovations. The systematic usage of knowledge about existing business models seems to be key for an effective and efficient innovation process. Even though business models are very specific on a company level, they can be aggregated to archetypes that allow for a general categorization of all types of business models. Based on literature review and an empirical analysis of a 29 firms we develop a framework for business model archetypes and discuss this framework in the context of the innovation process. We argue that the framework of business model archetypes can be used in the early stages of the innovation process and can contribute to better results in particular in the ideation phase.
  • Publication
    Landis+Gyr: Designing and Analyzing Business Models in Value Networks
    (Springer, 2014) ;
    Bjelajac, Branko
    Strunz, Alexander
    Schweitzer, Fiona
    In cooperation with the University of St. Gallen, Landis+Gyr developed a standardized approach for the design, analysis and comparison of business model ideas that follow the logic of value networks. Within value networks, value is created through the cooperation of several companies that jointly form a business model that generates added value for the end customer as well as for all participants. Focusing on the energy market as area of application for the new model, Landis+Gyr made a major effort to gather various new business model ideas considering the company's future role in the electric power value network. For this purpose, an eight-step approach for the design and analysis of value network business models has been developed that entails the most relevant dimensions required to evaluate the attractiveness of value networks as well as the attractiveness for each participant. The model is useful as it provides a structured approach to describing new, complex business models and ecosystems. Its predictive power has yet to be validated by applying it to existing business models and benchmarking the predicted performance as well as selected roles against real-life data. Only after this has been done with a positive outcome, the model will have a chance of being endorsed by academia and the business community as a tool to support business decision-making.