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Using Quantitative Analyses to Construct a Capability Maturity Model for Business Intelligence

2012 , Raber, David , Winter, Robert , Wortmann, Felix

One important means to explore the strengths andweaknesses of Business Intelligence (BI) initiatives is acomprehensive and accurate BI maturity assessmentinstrument. It is important that the assessment instrumentis transparently developed using the current BIknowledge base. This paper proposes a BI maturitymodel that is based on an explicit BI maturity conceptand using empirical data. The data is transformed intomaturity levels by applying the Rasch algorithm andcluster analysis. The resulting BI maturity model isconstructed on the basis of 58 items (capabilities). It iscomprised of five levels that we choose to label initiate,harmonize, integrate, optimize andperpetuate. An evaluation of the model demonstratesits utility.