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  • Publication
    Digital Receipts: Fostering Mobile Payment Adoption
    (Springer, 2013-12-03)
    Michahelles, Florian
    Apostu, Silviu
    ; ;
    Wichert, Reiner
    Collier, Rem
    Keyson, David
    Ali Salah, Albert
    Tan, Ah-Hwee
    Mobile payment adoption remains low. This paper presents a user-study that evaluates whether providing digital receipts in-store to customers could drive mobile payment adoption. Our results reveal that although our smart phone based payment and digital receipt processes took up to 60% longer than getting paper receipts and paying with cash, users perceived the digital receipt approach as fun, useful, and even time-saving. These insights may help drive adoption of mobile payment systems.
    Scopus© Citations 2