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  • Publication
    Truly sustainable business models : ideal types for sustainable production and consumption
    (Universität St. Gallen, 2022-09-19)
    Humanity is facing unprecedented challenges: climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and social inequality are threatening the health of the planet and us humans. Businesses play a prominent role both as a cause and as a solution to these problems. Yet there is an imbalance between sustainability actions at the corporate level and their impact on solving sustainability problems at the macro level. This thesis proposes truly sustainable business models to overcome this big disconnect. They are based on the concept of true business sustainability by Dyllick and Muff (2016), which is grounded on two pillars. First, sustainability serves as a starting point for businesses. Second, the focus is on creating positive societal value rather than aiming to minimize unsustainable impacts. The thesis identifies six characteristics of truly sustainable business models. These characteristics sketch an ideal picture of truly sustainable business models that can serve as inspiration for sustainability efforts. Three case studies illustrate and concretize the ideal types of truly sustainable business models. They are intended to serve as examples showing that positive change is possible and that economically viable solutions simultaneously creating value for the common good already exist. Thus, the work contributes to the expansion of the scientific discourse on sustainable business models and true business sustainability. Furthermore, it demonstrates on a practical level how truly sustainable business models can foster sustainable development and the transformation of our current economic system toward a sustainable future.