Now showing 1 - 10 of 23
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Discussing Good Ideas, Bad Ideas, and the Things in Between about Sustainability Education with International Experts – Launching the Sustainability Education Podcast

2024-06-01 , Stefan T. Siegel

In sustainability education, ideas and assumptions exist that sound plausible, but that are at least questionable or even dangerous at a closer look (Siegel, 2024). In this podcast, I want to discuss myths and facts about sustainability education, and the things in between. For this purpose, I invite world-leading experts on environmental and sustainability education, educational psychology and myth and misinformation research.

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Less is More.

2024-03 , Stefan T. Siegel

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Personal Knowledge Management is Dead. Long Live PKM!? Note Lab. Developing Ideas through Evidence-informed Note-making.

2024-04 , Stefan T. Siegel

The Information Age comes with Information Overload (Roetzel, 2019) – and we find ourselves drowning in a sea of information. With powerful tools such as search engines and (generative) artificial intelligence, on the one hand lifebelts and on the other hand knowledge seem to be only a few mouse clicks away. You might ask: Is personal knowledge management dead?

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Episode 1 - David Orr

2024-05 , Stefan T. Siegel , David W. Orr

The interview with David Orr covers broad topics around sustainability education, the role of educational institutions, myths in sustainability education, and the need for cultural and educational change to address the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation. Orr, an experienced academic and practitioner in the fields of environmental studies and policy, shares his insights and experiences on a wide range of issues. Orr's perspectives underscore the complexity and urgency of the challenges facing sustainability education and the need for cultural change driven by education, political engagement, and personal responsibility.

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Don’t Shoot the Education Mythbuster. Evidence-informed Sustainability Education (EvSusEd)

2024-04 , Stefan T. Siegel

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Myths, Facts, or Questionable Beliefs? Navigating Nuances in Education. Evidence-informed Sustainability Education (EvSusEd)

2024-03 , Stefan T. Siegel

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When to Bust, and When Not to Bust, That is the Question – A Mythbusting Decision Tree

2024-06-04 , Stefan T. Siegel

Educational myths are widespread. Mythbusters have only a limited attention, energy, and time. This newly developed decision tree helps you to choose your battles and to determine when engaging in mythbusting is worth the effort.

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From Hieroglyphs to Hyperlinks: Why Knowledge Management Is as Old as Time and Not a New Phenomenon

2024-06-18 , Stefan T. Siegel

Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) is often portrayed and perceived as a modern phenomenon, especially in the context of the so-called digital age and the information age. However, the roots of PKM are ancient, extending back to the earliest forms of human communication and record-keeping. This blog post aims to show that knowledge management is, in fact, as old as time.

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On (Dis)Agreeing Well in Mythbusting

2024-06-21 , Stefan T. Siegel

The line between myth and fact can often be challenging to discern. This ambiguity regularly fuels heated discussion in educational and popular discourses about concepts like direct instruction, power-posing, and emotional intelligence (Siegel, 2024b). To foster critically constructive interactions marked by appreciation, empathy, and authenticity (Rogers, 1957), it is valuable to understand and be able to use different forms of (dis)agreeing with others—and sometimes even with oneself. Although it is goal and context dependent what well means, professional mythbusters should strive to use forms of (dis)agreeing that add value to a discussion.

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Why Managing Knowledge is a Time-Saver, Not a Time-Waster

2024-05-29 , Stefan T. Siegel

Discover why ‘I Don’t Have Time for PKM’ is a costly misconception and how managing your knowledge can save time (and is time well spent).