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Confessions of an Early Sustainability Educator: Autoethnographic Reflections on Myths in and About Sustainability Education in Higher Education

2024-06-05 , Stefan T. Siegel

This paper explores the initial challenges and misconceptions faced by an early sustainability educator. Explicitly articulating my positionality (e.g., educational researcher & lecturer with foci on educational theory and sustainability education), I autoethnographically (Anteliz et al., 2023) reflect on my recent personal journey in better understanding the field and phenomenon of sustainability education (Jones et al., 2010). Based on relevant literature in the fields of teaching and learning in higher education (e.g., Brookfield, 2017), educational-psychological myths (de Bruyckere et al., 2020), and sustainability education (Jones et al., 2010), I discuss my initial (questionable) beliefs. Entering the field of sustainability education (SE) as a novice, it is quite common to harbor misconceptions. I will present a theory and model-based classification of these misconceptions relating them to key elements of teaching and learning in higher education such as intended learning outcomes or learning activities (Biggs, 2014; e.g., “Sustainability Education is about teaching someone sustainable, i.e., “the right” values, attitudes, knowledge, and behavior”; “Direct Instruction is inferior to active and experience-based methods in sustainability education”). Additionally, I will elaborate on their potential negative consequences and show that they can hinder the advancement of higher education ecosystems that serve to enable learners to think integratively and act responsibly. Confessions (Mazur, 2009) about our misconceptions point to our fallibility, the ability to recognize and address our own misunderstandings. In my talk, I will encourage educators and academic developers stepping into sustainability education to adopt a similar reflective stance, participate in professional development activities, and not fear to challenge their own beliefs. This way, they will not only enhance their understanding but also become more effective sustainability educators, inspiring lecturers, and learners in higher education to create more sustainable ecosystems of teaching and learning. Through increased reflection, these misconceptions can undergo conceptual change (Vosniadou, 2013), which is a crucial process, not only on an individual level, but also collectively, fostering a community of educators with shared understanding of sustainability education. (Selected) References Anteliz, E. A., Mulligan, D. L., & Danaher, P. A. (Eds.). (2023). The Routledge international handbook of autoethnography in educational research. Routledge. De Bruyckere, P., Kirschner, P. A., & Hulshof, C. (2020). More urban myths about learning and education: Challenging eduquacks, extraordinary claims, and alternative facts. Routledge. Mazur, E. (2009). Farewell, Lecture? Science, 323(5910), 50–51. Jones, P., Selby, D., & Sterling, S. (Eds.). (2010). Sustainability education: Perspectives and practice across higher education. Earthscan

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Qualitätskriterien für Lehrvideos aus multidisziplinärer Perspektive: Ein systematisches Review

2022-03-12 , Siegel, Stefan T. , Hensch, Ines

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Rediscovering Education’s Relative Autonomy: Reflections on the Discipline’s Past, Present, and Future

2022-09 , Siegel, Stefan T. , Matthes, Eva , Biesta, Gert

The relative autonomy of education has always been in jeopardy. Particularly today, several developments (e.g., the rise of ‘Empirische Bildungsforschung’ (empirical educational research) seem to threaten the disciplinary “heart” of Pädagogik or at least fundamentally transform its appearance in the German-speaking context. With this in mind, we argue that it is valuable to reconsider the principle of the relative autonomy of education, which is a central topic of the paradigm Geisteswissenschaftliche Pädagogik. Therefore, we take a closer look at Pädagogik’s/Erziehungswissenschaft’s past, present, and future. In the first part of this talk we retrace the historical development of this field of study in the German-speaking context and delineate when the idea of education as a relative autonomously discipline was introduced and what it originally means. In the second part of the talk, we analyze the current state of the discipline and spotlight developments threatening education’s autonomy. We shed light on the question of what might get lost if Pädagogik/Erziehungswissenschaft as a discipline in its own right disappeared. In the last part, we argue for education as an independent discipline that advances its own questions, interests, and perspectives and outline how educationalists can strengthen education’s autonomy and disciplinary identity.

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Preservice Teachers' Attitudes and Beliefs About Educational Theories: Associations With Motivational, Affective, and Conative Aspects

2021-04 , Siegel, Stefan T. , Wisniewski, Benedikt , Daumiller, Martin

Educational theories are a constitutive element of teacher education. Despite their relevance, pre-service teachers’ attitudes and beliefs about these concepts are hardly investigated—especially their interrelations with motivational, affective and conative aspects of their professionalization. Therefore, we conducted a cross-sectional online study with 180 German pre-service-teachers. The results reveal high interindividual differences in their educational theory-related attitudes and beliefs. These constructs were strongly tied to motivational (subjective task value, achievement goals), affective (emotions enjoyment and boredom) and conative aspects (dealing with educational theories) when engaging with these concepts, which stresses their relevance for teacher education. Structural equation modeling reinforced the postulated mediating role of motivations and emotions regarding the effects of attitudes and beliefs for dealing with educational theories.

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Preservice Teachers' Attitudes and Beliefs About Educational Theories

2023-04 , Dr. Stefan T. Siegel , Daumiller, Martin

Educational theories are a constitutive element of teacher education. Despite their relevance, pre-service teachers’ attitudes and beliefs about these concepts are hardly investigated—especially their interrelations with motivational, affective and behavioral aspects of their professionalization. Therefore, we conducted a cross-sectional online study with 180 German pre-service-teachers. The results reveal high interindividual differences in their educational theory-related attitudes and beliefs. These constructs were strongly tied to motivational (subjective task value, achievement goals), affective (emotions enjoyment and boredom) and behavioral aspects (dealing with educational theories) when engaging with these concepts, which stresses their relevance for teacher education. Structural equation modeling reinforced the postulated mediating role of motivations and emotions regarding the effects of attitudes and beliefs for dealing with educational theories.

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Knowledge Management in Higher Education: Development and Uses of the Reflection Tool LeWiMa

2022-06-28 , Siegel, Stefan T. , Krummenauer-Grasser, Astrid

In fulfilling one of their key tasks, university instructors develop vast amounts of teaching and learning concepts and materials every semester, using human, time, and financial resources. Until now, little importance has been attached to teaching-related knowledge management, i.e., the systematic, synergetic, and sustainable use of knowledge in the context of academic teaching. Consequently, we aimed at developing a theory-based and easy-to-use reflection tool which enables educators in (higher) education to observe and evaluate their own practices of teaching-related knowledge management. In this talk, we describe the theoretical foundation, the development, the structure, and essential application possibilities of the tool LeWiMa. It aims at helping instructors systematically reflect on their teaching-related knowledge management, to identify their potential for improvement, qualification as well as training needs, and to take demand-oriented measures which might enable them to teach more efficiently, systematically, and, sustainably in the medium term and long term. Key Words: Knowledge Management, Higher Education, Teaching, Reflection, Professionalization, Sustainability Education, Academic Development

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Theoriebezogene Einstellungen und Überzeugungen und individuelle Professionalisierung(angehender)Lehrpersonen

2021 , Siegel, Stefan T.

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Empowering Early Career Researchers: Insights Into a Multimethods Evaluation Study

2023-11-22 , Marina Henriques , Lenka Kepkova , Stefan T. Siegel

This practice-based research examines the impacts of a nine-month international, interdisciplinary virtual leadership program for sustainability, focusing on early career researchers which was held in 2022. The study investigates the impacts of the program on the participants, in particular, the (1) development of key competencies for sustainable development (Brundiers et al., 2021; European Commission, 2022; Jordan, 2021) and (2) the strengths and weaknesses of the program itself. A mixed-method approach (Creswell & Plano, 2018), comprising formative surveys, semi-structured interviews, team evaluations, and joint strategy meetings, was employed to gain insights. Results indicate that participants further developed their competencies in self-awareness and reflection, listening, collaborative competency, and embodying sustainable values and agency: For instance, the program fostered collaboration through the co-creation of online sessions, self-led peer groups, and support for student projects. Two joint research collaborations were established during the 2022 edition. The findings suggest that the virtual leadership program has the potential to successfully develop essential competencies and to facilitate international and interdisciplinary collaborations for sustainable development among the participants. Informed by participant feedback, the program was refined for the 2023 edition. Further research is needed to evaluate the long-term impact on the participants in more detail.

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Rediscovering Education’s Relative Autonomy: Reflections on the Discipline’s Past, Present, and Future

2022 , Siegel, Stefan T. , Matthes, Eva , Biesta, Gert

The relative autonomy of education has always been in jeopardy. Particularly today, several developments (e.g., the rise of ‘Empirische Bildungsforschung’ (empirical educational research) seem to threaten the disciplinary “heart” of Pädagogik or at least fundamentally transform its appearance in the German-speaking context. With this in mind, we argue that it is valuable to reconsider the principle of the relative autonomy of education, which is a central topic of the paradigm Geisteswissenschaftliche Pädagogik. Therefore, we take a closer look at Pädagogik’s/Erziehungswissenschaft’s past, present, and future. In the first part of this talk we retrace the historical development of this field of study in the German-speaking context and delineate when the idea of education as a relative autonomously discipline was introduced and what it originally means. In the second part of the talk, we analyze the current state of the discipline and spotlight developments threatening education’s autonomy. We shed light on the question of what might get lost if Pädagogik/Erziehungswissenschaft as a discipline in its own right disappeared. In the last part, we argue for education as an independent discipline that advances its own questions, interests, and perspectives and outline how educationalists can strengthen education’s autonomy and disciplinary identity

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„Ach wie gut, dass jemand weiß...“ Lehrbezogenes Wissensmanagement in der Hochschullehre. Entwicklung, Beschreibung und Einsatzmöglichkeiten des Reflexionsinstruments LeWiMa

2021-09 , Siegel, Stefan T. , Krummenauer-Grasser, Astrid