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Sustainbility Education in Forschung und Lehre am Institut für Wirtschaftspädagogik

2023-02 , Siegel, Stefan T. , Dilger, Bernadette

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Empowering Tomorrow's Sustainability Educators (POWER‐SE): From Insight to Impact

2023-09-01 , Stefan T. Siegel , Lenka Kepkova , Bernadette Dilger

This interactive workshop will provide insights into a newly planned virtual certificate course called POWER-SE. A sneak peek into this program will provide participants with exemplary approaches and methods in sustainability education (SE). Furthermore, workshop participants will take part in a tool-based and guided self reflection of their own SE-competencies, practice active listening as well as discuss questions around the certificate course, SE and SE-competencies.

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Teaching Analysis Poll (TAP) in SQUARE: Insights into the Midterm Evaluation of Spring Semester 2022

2023-06 , Dr. Stefan T. Siegel , Bernadette Dilger

Since 2016, the Quality Development Office (QD) and the Centre for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education at the University of St.Gallen (IWP) have been offering Teaching Analysis Polls (TAPs) to instructors on a voluntary basis. TAPs are a participatory, formative feedback method with which university instructors can obtain qualitative feedback on their courses during the semester. Insights regarding what helps or impedes their students’ learning and any suggestions for improvement can be implemented directly in the same course (Hawelka, 2019; Hurney et al., 2014). SQUARE was ceremonially opened in 2022. Designed by the Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto, the new learning center is intended to be an experimental field for the future of teaching and learning, which enables interaction between students, university faculty, business and industry professionals, and local residents (SQUARE, 2022). At the request of SQUARE, specialized TAPs were developed and conducted in the spring semester 2022 to gain insights into teaching and learning within SQUARE. Our main research questions were: RQ1: From the students’ perspective – what aspects of the course and SQUARE support and impede the learning experience? RQ2: What suggestions do students have for improving teaching and learning in their course and in SQUARE? To answer these questions we conducted 15 TAPs, i.e., TAPs (Hawelka, 2019) and collected feedback from N = 272 students. The via Padlet gathered data was analyzed by two independent coders using qualitative content analysis (Kuckartz, 2018) and the coding manual by Hawelka (2019). Results on the course level (total number of codes: 475; 216 positive, 122 negative aspects, and 137 suggestions for improvement) revealed that students considered aspects of interaction (74 codes), cognitive learning strategies (53), and motivational regulation (51) as most supportive. Most impeding aspects contained the categories lack of interaction (37), workload/exam (19), and cognitive learning strategies (15). The categories interaction (47), task understanding (19), motivational regulation (18) contained the most suggestions for improvement. Findings concerning SQUARE (total number of codes: 377; 126 positive, 157 negative aspects, and 94 suggestions) showed that students considered the atmosphere (43 codes), furniture (23), and building design (23) as the most supportive aspects. Most impeding aspects include the furniture (40), temperature & air quality (33), technical equipment (15). Suggestions for improvement mainly fell under the categories food & drinks (24), furniture (23), technical equipment (23). In sum our study on the midterm evaluations of spring semester 2022 provides insights into the first courses of the HSG learning center and might stimulate discourses on the future of teaching and learning in this socio-physical ecosystem. References Hawelka, B. (2019). Coding Manual for Teaching Analysis Polls. Universität Regensburg: Zentrum für Hochschul‐ und Wissenschaftsdidaktik.‐hochschul‐wissenschaftsdidaktik/forschung/manual‐tap‐2019.pdf Hurney, C.A., Harris, N., Prins, S., & Kruck, S.E. (2014). The Impact of a Learner‐Centered, Mid‐Semester Course Evaluation on Students. The journal of faculty development, 28, 55‐62. Kuckartz, U. (2018). Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse: Methoden, Praxis, Computerunterstützung (4. Ed.). Beltz. Morgan, D. L. (2009). Focus Groups as Qualitative Research. Sage Publishing SQUARE (2022). The Future of Learning is now. https://www.hsg‐