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Rediscovering education’s relative autonomy: Tackling the problem of educational theory

2022 , Stefan T. Siegel , Eva Matthes , Gert Biesta

The blog post discusses the evolution and state of Erziehungswissenschaft/Pädagogik, the study of education as a scientific discipline in German-speaking countries. It highlights concerns regarding the discipline's shifting identity among others due to empirical educational research, which potentially threatens its autonomy. The post identifies a problem with the lack of development of distinctive educational theories within Pädagogik, with practitioners often uncritically borrowing theories from adjacent fields. The authors propose a reemphasis on the principle of relative autonomy of education to preserve its identity as a self-governing discipline. They suggest strengthening this autonomy by posing more educational questions, developing unique educational theories, and engaging in better boundary-work. They call for an active academic community to tackle the "problem of educational theory" and advocate for the autonomy of educational studies.