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Qualitätskriterien für Lehr- und Erklärvideos im Überblick—Version 2

2023-08 , Stefan T. Siegel , Ines Hensch , Marcel Scherrer , Josef Buchner

What makes really good explainer videos? A multidisciplinary, theory- and research-based grid on quality criteria for explainer videos Version 2.0 This grid presents quality criteria for explainer videos and shows how they can be used. The original version of the grid was developed in 2020 by Ines Hensch and myself and has now been updated in 2023 together with Marcel Scherrer and Dr. Josef Buchner. Our grid covers a broad spectrum of (media) pedagogical-didactic, (learning) psychological, film-analytical and legal quality criteria. It is theoretically and empirically well grounded by the international state of research on the quality of educational and explanatory videos. It provides an overview a comprehensive overview of quality criteria for teaching/learning videos that you can use for the selection, production, analysis and evaluation of teaching and explainer videos, but also for teaching about quality criteria for teaching and explainer videos or corresponding further training. The grid is primarily aimed at: University instructors, learning experience designers; teachers and pedagogical staff at schools, universities and in companies. The grid is licensed as OER and may be stored, used, processed, mixed and distributed. Click here for the grid: Suggested citation (APA): Siegel, S. T., Hensch, I., Scherrer, M., & Buchner, J. (2023). Quality criteria for instructional and explanatory videos at a glance-Version 2.