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  • Publication
    Von Akzeptanz bis Purpose - Gestaltungsempfehlungen für Produktnachhaltigkeit 3.0
    (Universität St. Gallen, 2022-09-19)
    The world is facing key social and environmental challenges. In this context, companies are central players on the global sustainability agenda, which have already made great efforts to optimize their business activities with regard to the 'triple bottom line'. However, progress at product level has so far been slow and primarily limited to reducing harmful environmental impacts. To effectively address major societal problems, sustainability-oriented product innovations aiming at 'true business sustainability' are required (Dyllick & Muff, 2016). These innovations toward product sustainability 3.0 strive to have no negative impacts and make positive contributions to society instead. To support the implementation of such product innovations, this research examines the innovation process towards product sustainability 3.0 based on four case studies. Along the entire innovation process from idea generation to market launch, key activities and success factors are identified that can support the successful realization and market launch of innovation towards product sustainability 3.0. The insights gained are integrated in an ideal-typical process model for product sustainability 3.0. The results of this research enrich the understanding of sustainability-oriented innovations and associated innovation processes. In addition, they offer practical guidance on how the implementation of innovations towards product sustainability 3.0 can succeed and how companies can promote innovations that make positive contributions to sustainable development.