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Publication Excerpt: From Academia to Application: Can marketing researchers estimate managerial relevance? (IMTC, 2025)(2025-01-22)Marketing researchers' ability to assess whether research is of value to its practitioner target audience is a basic assumption underlying many of today's practices within academia. In the most prestigious marketing journals, researchers are often tasked to assess the value of research to practice as part of the peer review process. Within their own research, it's common practice to emphasize managerial relevance and its implications, and even within their own classes, researchers are often required to select research that is relevant to their audience. For practitioners such tags of relevance are one of the few potential proxies for more efficiently identifying research of value to them. However, given the distinct difference between the systems of science and practice, such an ability seems unlikely. In two studies, it is (expectedly) found that researchers have little ability to estimate managerial relevance. Furthermore, their estimates include an overprojection of scientific relevance at the expense of actual accuracy. The implications for existing relevance tags, review processes, and journal missions are outlined. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
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Publication Die Schweiz gilt als Land des Bargelds – doch die Liebe zu Münzen und Scheinen bröckelt(Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 2025-02-03)In Europa wird weniger oft mit Bargeld bezahlt. Dafür hortet die Bevölkerung es aber verstärkt und spricht sich klar gegen seine Abschaffung aus. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
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Publication What can we learn from service model analysis? An application in the government export finance sector(SAGE Publications, 2024-05-04)The service model approach, like business models in the private sector, is gaining increasing attention in public management literature. In line with this evolving discourse, our study analyzes service models in government export promotion. By exploring the use of service models and discussing key developments, we shed light on the diverse application of service models in the context of officially supported export creditsan under-researched field in which a lot of innovation is happening. We observe a limited number of traditional service models with significant relevance. In addition, our findings suggest a rising diversity that signifies innovation and the broadening scope of activities. We also uncover the underlying motivations and practical experiences associated with their implementation and provide valuable insights into the benefits they offer.Type:Journal:Scopus© Citations 1
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journal article 13859
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conference paper 7706
newspaper article 7425
book 4398
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working paper 1838
book review 1208
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