Now showing 1 - 10 of 15
  • Publication
    Dynamic and Goal-based Quality Management for Human-based Electronic Services
    (World Scientific Publishing, 2012-01-17)
    Kern, Robert
    Zirpins, Christian
    Satzger, Gerhard
    Crowdsourcing in the form of human-based electronic services (people services) provides a powerful way of outsourcing tasks to a large crowd of remote workers over the Internet. Research has shown that multiple redundant results delivered by different workers can be aggregated in order to achieve a reliable result. However, basic implementations of this approach are rather inefficient as they multiply the effort for task execution and are not able to guarantee a certain quality level. In this paper, we are addressing these challenges by elaborating on a statistical approach for quality management of people services which we had previously proposed. The approach combines elements of statistical quality management with dynamic group decisions. We present a comprehensive statistical model that enhances our original work and makes it more transparent. We also provide an extendible toolkit that implements our model and facilitates its application to real-time experiments as well as to simulations. A quantitative analysis based on an optical character recognition (OCR) scenario confirms the efficiency and reach of our model.
    Scopus© Citations 9
  • Publication
    Enhancing the Quality of Information in Inter-Organizational Environmental Reporting Information Systems
    (IEEE Computer Society, 2013-01-07) ;
    Environmental reporting has become standard within big and medium-sized international companies. However, organizations face many knowledge management challenges in environmental reporting, such as data availability, comparability, flexibility, and high costs. Some of these challenges can be mitigated by inter-organizational environmental reporting information systems (IO-ERIS). Nevertheless, the information quality remains a challenge. This research aims at identifying the state of the art in environmental reporting, extracting the requirements for information quality in environmental reporting, and proposes an approach of how the quality of environmental information in IO-ERIS can be enhanced following the design science research cycle.
    Scopus© Citations 3
  • Publication
    Incentives for Inter-Organizational Environmental Information Systems
    (IFI Department of Informatics, ETH, 2013-02-14) ; ;
    Hilty, Lorenz M.
    Aebischer, Bernard
    Andersson, Göran
    Lohmann, Wolfgang
    Organizations word-wide are confronted with an increasing number of environmental requirements driven by social, legislative and competitive factors [33]. Since most of the required information to report and enhance environmental performance is located beyond organizational borders, firms need to exchange sustainability information within the supply chain. Inter-organizational environmental information systems (IO-EIS) promise to improve data availability, process flexibility, transparency, and costs [37]. In order to establish an IO-EIS in a particular industry, the solution provider needs to reach a critical mass of participants. Based on existing literature and the experience of five industry partners representing three use cases, this paper presents motives for organizations to participate in IOEIS, and an incentive scheme to enhance quantity and quality of user contributions.
  • Publication
    Critical Success Factors for Sustainable Business Networks
    (AIS Association for Information Systems, 2012-08-08) ;
    In order to ensure product compliance, companies need to be informed about an increasing amount of regulations worldwide and collect related material data throughout the supply chain. As return rates have proven to be low with traditional measures, new solutions need to be established. The approach of exchanging product compliance data using a network-based Information System has shown its potential with the International Material Data System (IMDS) in the automotive industry. Nevertheless, such Sustainable Business Networks (SBNs) are not used to their full extend and have not reached a high market penetration in any other industries. Therefore this research analyses the reasons for market adoption of SBNs, and extracts the critical success factors in the application area of product compliance. Finally a ranking of the success factors is established leveraging the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP).
  • Publication
    Efficient Quality Management of Human-Based Electronic Services Leveraging Group Decision Making
    (Aalto University, School of Economics, 2011-06-09)
    Kern, Robert
    Satzger, Gerhard
    Tuunainen, Virpi
    Nandhakumar, Joe
    Rossi, Matti
    Soliman, W.
    Human-based electronic services (people services) provide a powerful way of outsourcing tasks to a large crowd of remote workers over the Internet. Because of the limited control over the workforce in a potentially globally distributed environment, efficient quality management mechanisms are a prerequisite for successful implementation of the people service concept in a business context. Research has shown that multiple redundant results delivered by different workers can be aggregated in order to achieve a reliable result. However, existing implementations of this approach are highly inefficient as they multiply the effort for task execution and are not able to guarantee a certain quality level. Our weighted majority vote (WMV) approach addresses this issue by dynamically adjusting the level of redundancy depending on the historical error rates of the involved workers and the level of agreement among them. A practical evaluation in an OCR scenario demonstrates that the approach is capable of gaining reliable results at significantly lower costs compared to existing procedures.
  • Publication
    Towards Inter-Organizational Environmental Information Systems for Sustainable Business Networks
    (AIS Association for Information Systems, 2011-08-05) ;
    Value creation that incorporates Environmental Performance Indicators (EPIs) requires collaboration among different supply chain entities. This especially holds for product-level indicators, since the required resources are scattered along thewhole supply chain. Prevailing environmental information systems (EIS) do not support flexible collaboration among involved supply chain partners. The paper at hand provides a contribution in this area by proposing an innovative architecture artifact for inter-organizational EIS (IO-EIS). The architecture was developed by following the design science approach: The requirements on IO-EIS were extracted together with industry representatives based on three use cases. Anin-depth and systematic literature research was applied to identify published critical success factors for networked information systems. The proposed architecture artifact was designed based on the findings of the two analysis steps.
  • Publication
    Efficient Quality Management for Human-Based Electronic Services
    (R.H. School of Business/University of Maryland, 2010-06-10)
    Kern, Robert
    Bauer, Cordula
    Satzger, Gerhard
  • Publication
    Validating results of human-based electronic services leveraging multiple reviewers
    (Association for Information Systems, 2010-08-12)
    Kern, Robert
    Bauer, Cordula
    Satzger, Gerhard
    Crowdsourcing in the form of human-based electronic services (people services) provides a powerful way of outsourcing so called micro tasks to large groups of people over the Internet in order to increase the scalability and productivity of business processes. However, quality management of the work results continues to be a challenge. Most existing approaches assume that multiple redundant results delivered by different people for the same task can be aggregated in order to achieve a reliable result, but for a lot of task types an automatic aggregation or comparison of task results is not possible. Also, cost considerations and estimators for outgoing quality have experienced little attention. Our majority review approach addresses these challenges by leveraging the crowd not only for delivering work results but also for validating the results delivered by others. An evaluation in a business context confirms that the approach is capable of gaining reliable results.
  • Publication
    Statistical Quality Control for Human-Based Electronic Services
    (Springer, 2010-12-07)
    Kern, Robert
    Satzger, Gerhard
    Maglio, Paul P.
    Weske, Mathias
    Yang, Jian
    Fantinato, Marcelo
    Crowdsourcing in form of human-based electronic services (people services) provides a powerful way of outsourcing tasks to a large crowd of remote workers over the Internet. Research has shown that multiple redundant results delivered by different workers can be aggregated in order to achieve a reliable result. However, existing implementations of this approach are rather inefficient as they multiply the effort for task execution and are not able to guarantee a certain quality level. As a starting point towards an integrated approach for quality management of people services we have developed a quality management model that combines elements of statistical quality control (SQC) with group decision theory. The contributions of the workers are tracked and weighted individually in order to minimize the quality management effort while guaranteing a well-defined level of overall result quality. A quantitative analysis of the approach based on an optical character recognition (OCR) scenario confirms the efficiency and reach of the approach.
    Scopus© Citations 19
  • Publication
    Incorporating Supplier Data
    (Springer, 2013) ;
    Dada, Ali
    Marx GĂłmez, Jorge
    Network participation is a crucial factor in order to reap the benefits of a system like OEPI which is based on user-generated content. Therefore, motives for organizations to join the network and contribute content have to be identified in order to develop incentives that can make the network viral. This chapter identifies the organizational and individual motives, develops incentives based on these, and finally presents the basic concept of how network participation can be stimulated.