Now showing 1 - 10 of 26
  • Publication
    Success Factors of Application Integration: An Exploratory Analysis
    (ACM, 2010-11-01) ;
    Klesse, Mario
    The increased deployment of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) applications creates application integration challenges. However, very few articles focus on application integration success. That is why we first analyze these contributions and derive success factor candidates (SFCs). In addition, contributions dealing with problems and risks of application integration and related research fields are examined-as they allow for the derivation of further SFCs. In total twenty-six SFCs are collected. A factor analysis is conducted to examine interrelations between SFCs. It yields seven success factor groups, e.g., architecture management, IT/business alignment, or use of methods. In a second step, an exploratory analysis is conducted to examine the impact of these SFCs on various success indicators of application integration. These success indicators were defined beforehand by analyzing theories for information system (IS) success. As a result of the exploratory analysis, twenty-seven hypotheses are proposed. These hypotheses need to be corroborated in a future confirmatory study.
  • Publication
    Process-Centric Business Intelligence
    (Emerald, 2009)
    Bucher, Tobias
    Sigg, Stefan
    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to deliver an insight into the interaction effects of process‐oriented management and business intelligence (BI). Design/methodology/approach – The paper takes up publications from the fields of BI and business process management and analyzes the state‐of‐the‐art of process‐centric business intelligence (PCBI). To highlight the potentials and limitations of the concept, two exemplary use cases are presented and discussed in depth. Furthermore, a vision for the technical implementation is sketched. Findings – PCBI is found to play an important role in an organization's strive for competitiveness. The concept's potential benefits are significant. However, the overall levels of adoption and maturity of the concept within real‐world organizations appear to be rather low at the moment. Research limitations/implications – The paper discusses solely two exemplary use cases – the most that could be done within the scope of a journal publication. Therefore, the explanatory power and the representativeness of the results need to be scrutinized in detail. Practical implications – The paper highlights the practical significance of PCBI. It therefore represents a useful source of information for both practitioners and academics who are interested in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization's information supply in support of its processes. Originality/value – The paper motivates, describes, and analyzes the concept of PCBI. Furthermore, it provides examples of the concept's adoption and benefits from a practitioner's point of view.
    Scopus© Citations 82
  • Publication
    Supporting Business Process Execution through Business Intelligence: An Introduction to Process-Centric BI
    (Proquest, 2009)
    Bucher, Tobias
    Sigg, Stefan
    This article describes and analyzes process-centric business intelligence, highlights the concept's practical significance, and provides an illustrating example. This example, a mortgage approval process, shows how financial service providers can realize significant benefits by supporting operational decision-making through the integrated supply of analytic information. Moreover, a vision for a technical implementation based on service-oriented architecture is presented and an approach to realizing this vision is outlined.
  • Publication
    Using Teradata University Network (TUN), a Free Internet Resource for Teaching and Learning
    (International Forum of Educational Technology & Society, 2008-10-01) ; ;
    Bucher, Tobias
    Business intelligence and information logistics have become an important part of teaching curricula in recent years due to the increased demand for adequately trained graduates. Since these fields are characterized by a high amount of software and methodology innovations, teaching materials and teaching aids require constant updating. Teradata has teamed up with lecturers and researchers to build and run a portal to support teaching business intelligence and information logistics. This article describes how faculty can use the Teradata University Network (TUN) to prepare and run courses by reusing teaching materials and running state-of-the-art commercial software provided in an application service provider model. It furthermore describes experiences with an actual course on management information systems taught by the authors. Students' feedback on the course design is presented and conclusions are drawn on two similar courses. Our action research results show that students' adoption of and feedback about such courses has been very encouraging.
  • Publication
    Modellierung für Integrated Enterprise Balancing
    (Vieweg, 2007-12-01)
    Fill, Hans-Georg
    Karagiannis, Dimitris
    The development of models and methods is a vital element of design science in information systems research. In this paper a formal process modeling language is developed which incorporates IEB (Integrated Enterprise Balancing)/4R (Risk, Return, Regulation, Reporting) requirements formulated by Faisst and Buhl [FaBu05]. This is realized through the inclusion of 4R elements and 4R relations into the new 4R process modeling language. An evaluation of the process modeling language with regard to the assessment criterion “feasibility of implementation” was successfully executed using the meta modeling platform ADONIS. For that purpose the ADONIS modeling language for business processes (ADONIS BPMS) was extended with additional 4R modeling elements. Furthermore a new model type as well as required classes and relation classes have been developed which enable the connection of the 4R process modeling language to the research results of the above mentioned contribution.
    Scopus© Citations 10
  • Publication
    Netzwerkfähigkeit im Gesundheitswesen
    The Swiss health care sector is characterised by a low division of labour and annually rising costs. In order to increase effectiveness and efficiency, other sectors have implemented a high division of labour and extensive networking, in particular through the use of information and communication technologies. In the health care sector initial approaches to networking already exist at the technical level or for the purpose of process optimisation, but holistic approaches are missing. In this article, the authors first show a generic, holistic framework for designing networked structures. Thereafter it is shown how this framework can be transferred to the health care sector and the concept of network-ability – the ability to network with partners quickly and with low setup costs through m:n relationships – is introduced. The article concludes with a description of the procedure for validating and further developing the findings obtained.
  • Publication
    Internetressourcen zu IT/Business Alignment
    (Vieweg, 2006-10-01) ;
    Stutz, Matthias
    IT business alignment has become a key issue for many companies. Therefore a lot of companies, institutions and universities have published documents about this topic. This paper is intended to give an overview of these resources found in the Internet.
  • Publication
    Teradata University Network — Ein Portal zur Unterstützung der Lehre in den Bereichen Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing und Datenbanken
    (Vieweg, 2006-08-01) ;
    Business intelligence and information logistics have become a part of teaching curricula in recent years due to their importance for companies and the request for adequately trained graduates. Since these fields are characterized by a high amount of software and methodology innovations, teaching materials and teaching aids require constant attention. Teradata, a division of NCR Corp., has teamed up with lecturers and researchers to build and run a portal to support teaching business intelligence and information logistics. This article describes how faculty can use the Teradata University Network to prepare and run courses by reusing teaching materials and running state-of-the-art, commercial software provided in an ASP model.
    Scopus© Citations 1