Now showing 1 - 10 of 24
  • Publication
    From EDI to UN/CEFACT: An Evolutionary Path Towards a Next Generation e-Business Framework
    ( 2006-11-02)
    Janner, Till
    Schmidt, Alexander
    Schroth, Christoph
    Stuhec, Gunther
    Modern e-Business frameworks have evolved from traditional EDI technology. The evolutionary development towards current e-Business stacks like RosettaNet led to an increased degree of integration and operational efficiency. Nevertheless, significant shortcomings still exist. Especially on the semantic level of data and process engineering further improvements are expected to harmonize the diversity and redundancy of existing e-Business stacks. UN/CEFACT's standardization efforts are a promising solution towards next generation e-Business frameworks. The authors intend to provide a picture of the future of e-Commerce by evaluating three cornerstones of e-Business standard evolution: EDI, RosettaNet and a novel combination of specifications issued by UN/CEFACT.
  • Publication
    GENESIS project poster
    ( 2006-11-29)
    Gionis, George
    Janner, Till
    Schroth, Christoph
    GENESIS project poster
  • Publication
    The Service-Oriented Enterprise
    (Via Nova Architectura, 2007-06-06)
    Schroth, Christoph
    Today's organizations are changing with respect to both structure and internal working processes. As a consequence of trends such as globalization, deregulation and highly volatile markets, corporations are forced to increase their responsiveness to temporary requirements or business opportunities. Most existing organizational theories do not apply to the emerging sort of enterprise which incorporates principles such as structural decentralization, loose coupling of autonomously acting business units as well as complexity hiding on the basis of uniform interfaces. This work briefly elaborates on the concept of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) in the field of information technology and proposes a first approach to mapping its major underlying principles to upcoming forms of organizations. We present a model of the Service-Oriented Enterprise (SOE) and leverage use cases of existing companies as well as recent theoretical approaches to demonstrate the analogy between state-of-the-art paradigms in the fields of both technology and organizational theory.
  • Publication
    Web 2.0 and SOA: Converging Concepts Enabling Seamless Cross-Organizational Collaboration
    (IEEE Computer Society, 2007-07-24)
    Schroth, Christoph
    A new type of Web-based applications such as interactive encyclopedias, Blogs and Mash-ups has been gaining momentum during the last years and is frequently referred to as Web 2.0. A topic that has experienced a lot of interest recently is the relationship between Web 2.0 and Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs). The notion of complexity-hiding and reuse, but also the concept of loosely coupling different services has inspired the scientific community to elaborate on similarities between the two concepts Web 2.0 and SOA. In this work, we thoroughly examine and contrast them from a technical and economic perspective to reveal discrepancies and similarities and conclude with the vision of an Internet of Services that leverages technologies and design principles from both concepts. Based on case-studies we draw a picture of this upcoming generation of the Internet and conclude with a first analysis of its significant implications on cross-organizational collaboration. The Conference: CEC'07 and EEE'07 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The theme for CEC' 07/EEE' 07 will be "Ubiquitous Commerce and Services on Next Generation Internet". The 9th IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC' 07) and the 4th IEEE Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (EEE ' 07) are the flagship annual conferences of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on E-Commerce. In 2007, we will hold both conferences together as a joint event, providing a platform for researchers and practitioners interested in the theory and practice of E-Commerce and Enterprise Computing. The joint conference will focus on new technologies and methods that enable business processes to smoothly extend in a cross-enterprise environment, including solutions to facilitate business coalition in a flexible and dynamic manner over coming Next Generation Internet which provides ubiquitous, multimedia, and secure communication services. The program of CEC' 07/EEE' 07 will consist of invited talks, paper presentations, and panel discussions. THE INTERNET OF SERVICES
  • Publication
    Interoperability Enhancement in Business to Government: Extending the Scope of UBL
    (Springer, 2006-11-30)
    Janner, Till
    Lampathaki, Fenarethi
    Mouzakitis, S.
    Schroth, Christoph
    Scheper, Ulrich
    Reimer, Ulrich
    Karagiannis, Dimitris
  • Publication
    UN/CEFACT e-Business framework: Closing the semantic gap of Service-Oriented Architectures
    ( 2007-03-27)
    Schroth, Christoph
    Janner, Till
    Stuhec, Gunther
    1/2 day tutorial at 3rd International Conference on Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications (I-ESA 2007). Tutorial summary: Service-Oriented Architectures are emerging as the next-generation standard for seamless and automated e-Business infrastructures and cross-organizational Enterprise Application Integration. However, existing SOA concepts only concentrate on technological issues and do not address semantic level standardization. To be truly effective, SOA standards must be extended to the semantic level. Through the Core Components Standards Stack (CCTS), the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) is developing an evolutionary and collaborative approach for the standardization of both business processes and data that closes the semantic gap existing in current SOA deployments. The EU-funded project GENESIS leverages the UN/CEFACT-based standards to establish a Web service-based e-Business platform. Building on both the UN/CEFACT standards and the emerging GENESIS project, this tutorial presents a prototype environment for modelling CCTS conformant business data. Practical exercises are performed to demonstrate its real- world applicability and the great advantages for increasing cross-organizational SOA. As the presenters are actively involved as members/ group chairs of the UN/CEFACT, they will also provide detailed insights into latest developments and standardization activities of this organization. Preliminary Agenda: 1. Current approaches and related research work 2. UN/CEFACT e-Business framework in a nutshell 2.1. Overview of the composite of modular specifications and the notion of collaborative and evolutionary modelling 2.2. CCTS as a major lever for modelling business information 2.3. UMM as affiliated approach for modelling collaborative business processes 2.4. Interconnection between the UN/CEFACT semantic modelling methodologies and SOAs as a technical foundation 3. Presentation of a first use case of the UN/CEFACT framework 3.1. GENESIS project overview 3.2. Advantages and challenges of applying UN/CEFACT standards to a e-Business platform 4. Presentation of prototype modelling environment 4.1. Requirements of a semantics-oriented modelling tool for both business processes and data 4.2. Practical exercise with a first prototype: Modelling of a commonly used process including the involved business documents 5. Conclusion and outlook on future research challenges in the field of seamless cross-organizational interoperability The tutorial is targeted to an audience of (but not limited to) people with a research or industrial background and interest in the following topics: - Industrial Data Standards - Next-generation SOA - Enterprise Interoperability - Enterprise Application Integration - Semantic Meta-Data - Semantic Data Mapping - Context-Driven Data Engineering - Conception of Enterprise Modelling Environments Conference Website: Best Paper Award: SAP Developer Network:
  • Publication
    Small and Medium Enterprise's Benefits of Next Generation e-Business Platforms
    (The American Academy of Business and ABI/ Proquest, 2006-12-13)
    Hoyer, Volker
    Janner, Till
    Mayer, Peter
    Raus, Marta
    Schroth, Christoph
    In this work, we propose a novel e-Business architecture that takes into account the specific needs of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The envisioned system supports collaborative and evolutionary modeling, semi-automatic negotiation and finally execution of business processes and ensures true interoperability through a common semantic repository. Potential business partners are enabled to easily retrieve each other and initiate business relations in an extremely intuitive manner. With the help of the Balanced Scorecard approach, we thoroughly investigate economic benefits SMEs will experience when participating at this system. The analysis highlights advantages regarding five different perspectives: SMEs may capitalize from reduced operating costs and improved gains (financial perspective), increased customer satisfaction and retention (customer perspective), faster and more efficient internal processes (internal working process perspective), improved supply chain integration (supply chain perspective), and technological advancements (system benefits).
  • Publication
    Business Models for Enterprise Interoperability Platforms
    (Centre for Concurrent Enterprises, 2008-06-23)
    Bucherer, Eva
    Hoyer, Volker
    Thoben, Klaus-Dieter
    S. Pawar, Kulwant
    Gonçalves, Ricardo
    Today value creation is highly dependent on information and communication technology but also on cooperation between companies. The traditional value chain has been replaced by dynamic value networks. To support this new form of business, solutions for Enterprise Interoperability (EI) are indispensible. One possible form of solution constitutes EI platforms. To market them successfully adequate business models have to be found. Based on a business model framework this work evaluates factors that have to be considered in business models for EI platform providers. Moreover this work gives a concrete example of how a business model could look like in the concrete case of such a platform which is subject of the EU-funded research project GENESIS. In addition, possible implications are discussed.
  • Publication
    Implementing Next Generation e-Business Platforms for Heterogeneous SME Environments
    (New Technologies Publications, 2007-05-18)
    Gionis, Giorgios
    Mouzakitis, Spiros
    Janner, Till
    Schroth, Christoph
    Koussouris, Sotirios
    Askounis, Dimitris
    Ever since the adoption of Internet and the relevant Internet-Based technologies by enterprises into their everyday business practise the vision of totally automated electronic transactions has been the Holy Grail of their efforts. In spite of competitive advantages, such as reduced transactional cost, seamless information flow, and better communication, the creation of a system clearly oriented towards promoting interoperability of existing systems and facilitating electronic transactions between partners of diverse nature still remains elusive for the majority of enterprises, especially for small and medium ones. Drawbacks, such as the high technical complexity of the existing solutions, the need for intervention of third-party systems in the transactions, the mandatory adoption of proprietary standards and practises have characterised this first generation of platforms for electronic transactions. Such problems can largely be attributed to the adopted architectures - primarily peer to peer and server based - that impose specific preconditions in the design and implementation of the systems. The present work is an attempt to define and justify a novel platform that shares common elements with peer to peer and server based approaches and relies on emerging technologies and standards in order to achieve application to application interconnection and seamless information flow directly among heterogeneous systems.
  • Publication
    UN/CEFACT Service-Oriented Architecture: Enabling Both Semantic And Application Interoperability
    (VDE-Verl., 2007-03-01)
    Schroth, Christoph
    Janner, Till
    Stuhec, Gunther
    Braun, Torsten
    Service-Oriented Architectures are about to emerge as the next-generation standard for seamless and automatized e-Business infrastructures and cross-organizational Enterprise Application Integration. With the help of unified interfaces, individual systems' particularities can be hidden, thereby facilitating the exchange of data between heterogeneous applications. However, existing concepts mainly concentrate on technological issues and must be extended toward the semantic level to ensure that different applications have the same understanding of the business meaning of services. We propose a novel composite of several methodologies issued by the UN/CEFACT that bridges the semantic gap existing in current SOA deployments by introducing a loose coupling between the meaning of business data and its representation. This standards composite builds upon an evolutionary and collaborative approach and supports the modeling of both commonly comprehensible business documents and collaboration processes.