Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
  • Publication
    Transitioning to Omnichannel Business: A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective of Firms’ Channel Integration
    The proliferation of digital devices and services has fundamentally changed customer behavior and needs and thus the manner in which customers engage with firms. Many customers want to engage with firms across both online and offline channels, enjoying seamless switching and simultaneous use. In this changing environment, the omnichannel concept has been proposed as an appropriate approach to satisfy these customer demands. In practice, however, only a few firms have successfully initiated a transition from a multichannel business to an omnichannel business by integrating channels. One major challenge associated with channel integration is that of deploying the necessary dynamic capabilities that enable management to reconfigure the organization. Against this backdrop, we draw on the dynamic capability perspective to examine how firms transitioned to omnichannel management by the combination of adaptive organization principles and omnichannel retail information systems. For this purpose, this study sheds light on the microfoundations of the firms’ IT-enabled dynamic capabilities. The research is based on two qualitative case studies of a click-and-mortar retailer and an insurance firm that have transitioned to an omnichannel approach by successfully integrating their online and offline distribution channels. The findings make four primary contributions to theory and practice. First, they extend the literature on omnichannel business by discussing microfoundations related to channel integration grounded in empirical data. Second, our results provide relevant insights for information systems scholars on IT’s contribution to achieving the target of an omnichannel business. Third, the study contributes to research regarding dynamic capabilities by providing empirical insights into how firms deploy dynamic capabilities in practice. Fourth, for practitioners, this research provides valuable decision support on how to transform their organizations toward an omnichannel approach.
  • Publication
    Mit Digital Nudging Nutzererlebnisse verbessern und den Unternehmenserfolg steigern
    Digital Nudging can influence user behavior in the digital context by the targeted design of user interfaces. Based on behavioral economics, psychological effects can be utilized or counteracted to support users in decision-making. If applied systematically, digital nudging can enhance the user experience and add significant value to the business.
  • Publication
    Making Digital Nudging Applicable: The Digital Nudge Design Method
    The goal of digital nudging, a concept based on insights from behavioural economics, is to influence decision-making in digital choice environments. Information systems scholars increasingly see digital nudging as a promising research field, as do practitioners in the field of user interface, user experience, and digital service design. However, the use of digital nudging is not widespread because practitioners are often unaware of the concept or they do not have a systematic approach with which to apply it. Using a design science research approach, we develop the Digital Nudge Design method and evaluate its applicability and usefulness in practice. The method is based on requirements deduced from literature on digital nudging and persuasive systems and frominterviews with practitioners from five case organizations. The study contributes to research that seeks to develop methods for influential user interface design, and the method supports researchers and practitioners in designing digital nudges.
  • Publication
    Ethical Considerations on Digital Nudging – Identifying Consumer Concerns
    Information systems influence individuals’ behavior and firms are aware of it. Therefore, they vigorously design and constantly try to improve their digital channels. To increase influence further, approaches like digital nudging, which aims to influence individuals’ decision-making by using their cognitive limitations while preserving freedom of choice, and being beneficial for them, are leveraged. However, digital nudging often accompanies the question if firms are using it to take advantage by exploiting individuals’ cognitive flaws for their self-interest. Despite this undisputed relevance of potential ethical implications, knowledge about the ethical perspective of digital nudging is scarce. Therefore, based on a text mining analysis, this study identifies ethical concerns consumers have about employed behavior change approaches in practice. Thereby, an indicator for the ethical acceptability of digital nudges is provided, which extends extant studies and both researchers as well as practitioners are supported in developing ethical acceptable digital nudges.
  • Publication
    Digital Nudging: Altering User Behavior in Digital Environments
    Individuals make increasingly more decisions on screens, such as those on websites or mobile apps. However, the nature of screens and the vast amount of information available online make individuals particularly prone to deficient decisions. Digital nudging is an approach based on insights from behavioral economics that applies user interface (UI) design elements to affect the choices of users in digital environments. UI design elements include graphic design, specific content, wording or small features. To date, little is known about the psychological mechanisms that underlie digital nudging. To address this research gap, we conducted a systematic literature review and provide a comprehensive overview of relevant psychological effects and exemplary nudges in the physical and digital sphere. These insights serve as a valuable basis for researchers and practitioners that aim to study or design information systems and interventions that assist user decision making on screens.
  • Publication
    Channel Integration Towards Omnichannel Management: A Literature Review
    (College of Management, National Chung Cheng University, 2016-06-27) ; ;
    The evolution of technology and the constant digitalisation strongly influence how consumers behave, how markets develop, and how companies and consumers interact. By offering many channels, companies attempt to react to these developments. In recent years, researchers as well as practitioners have proposed omnichannel management as the best approach to offer several channels. An omnichannel strategy enables consumers to use channels seamlessly and interchangeably and experience the channels uniquely. However, reality looks different: many channel management approaches coexist in practice, and in research, terms to describe different concepts are used without clear distinctions. This paper seeks to eliminate ambiguities regarding the term omnichannel management. By delimiting the term from related approaches and understanding current topics discussed by omnichannel management research, this paper creates a common basis from which to fully understand the concept. Omnichannel management has shown relevance in many areas, but particularly in retailing, marketing, and information systems (IS) research. IS plays an important role in the implementation of the omnichannel approach because obstacles are often technology-related and companies are strongly dependent on information technology (IT). To move research on omnichannel management forward, this paper proposes directions for further research.
  • Publication
    Transitioning to an Omnichannel Approach: A Dynamic Capability Perspective
    (Association for Information Systems, 2016) ; ;
    The proliferation of digital devices and services has fundamentally changed consumer behavior and needs, and thus the way consumers engage with firms. Many consumers want to engage with firms across all channels, enjoying seamless switching and simultaneous use. Within this dynamic channel environment, the omnichannel concept has been proposed as an appropriate approach to fulfill these demands. However, in practice, many firms do not yet provide an omnichannel experience and need to transform. With this research-in-progress paper, we outline our approach to investigating this phenomenon based on the concept of dynamic capabilities. With insight gained through a multiple case study approach, we hope to give practitioners decision support and researchers new stimuli for further research by identifying best practice dynamic capabilities for transitioning to omnichannel management.
  • Publication
    Enhancing the omnichannel experience through channel integration and digital nudging
    (Universität St. Gallen, 2019)
    By enabling an omnichannel experience, firms meet today's consumer needs and respond to technological developments. An omnichannel experience enables consumers to interact with a company across multiple channels, seamlessly switching between them while having a consistent experience. Consumers are increasingly interacting and making decisions in the digital sphere, often being overwhelmed by the great amount of accessible information, which potentially leads to deficient decision-making. To counteract this phenomenon, many companies are endeavoring an omnichannel approach that appropriately aligns, links, and designs channels. However, many firms have difficulties transforming their channel management into an omnichannel approach and providing a sufficient omnichannel experience. Despite these problems in practice, information systems research has done little to provide insights of how firms are reconfiguring and integrating their resources to pursue an omnichannel approach or to systematically design channels to support consumer decision-making and ultimately enhancing the omnichannel experience. To be able to respond to consumer needs and technological peculiarities, firms need to build specialized skills and knowledge to handle increasingly complex customer journeys. Therefore, among other things, a deep understanding of how to integrate channels to establish omnichannel management and how to use digital nudging for channel design to support decision-making needs to be build. However, there is a gap between the channel management approaches implemented in practice and the vision of omnichannel management in research. Nevertheless, research has done little to answer the question of how companies can reconfigure their channel resources and integrate their channels to follow an omnichannel approach. Additionally, practice lacks knowledge of how channels should be designed to support consumers’ decision-making and improve their experience through digital nudging. Research does not provide sufficient guidance yet. As a result, many companies are unable to follow an omnichannel approach and provide a satisfactory omnichannel experience. To bridge this research gap, this dissertation's overall research objective is to explore how companies can establish omnichannel management to enhance the omnichannel experience of consumers. Within the scope of this research objective, this dissertation deals with the two focus topics of channel integration and digital nudging. This dissertation consists of six research papers, all of which contribute to answering the overarching research objective. Research paper 1 presents the current state of omnichannel research and offers avenues for further research. Research papers 2 and 3 focus on identifying the specific skills firms need to provide omnichannel management. Research paper 4 initiates the discussion on digital nudging, whereas research paper 5 introduces the Digital Nudge Design Method and research paper 6 discusses ethical issues using digital nudging.