Now showing 1 - 10 of 11
  • Publication
  • Publication
    Resolving the Misalignment Between Consumer Privacy Concerns and Ubiquitous IS Design : The Case of Usage-based Insurance
    (Association for Information Systems, 2012-12-16) ;
    Staake, Thorsten
    Thiesse, Frederic
    Joey, F. George
    Ubiquitous IS enables novel services and business models, yet require a careful balancing of consumer privacy concerns (PC) - induced by the provision of particular sensors and information types - with functional performance in order to maximize acceptance. For the exemplary case of Usage-based Insurance (UBI), this paper presents a design science approach to the mitigation of PC under parallel consideration of functional system performance. Based on long-term location trajectories from 1'600 vehicles, we assess the predictive power of emulated system designs that substitute location information, presumably the most privacy sensitive type of information in current UBI designs. We find that there are substantial grounds to challenge prevalent design paradigms in UBI and infer general insights from this example for IS researchers and IT professionals, who, when seeking to improve system privacy, often focus on privacy-enhancing technologies instead of considering the socio-technical context of ubiquitous IS.
  • Publication
    GPS Trajectory Feature Extraction for Driver Risk Profiling
    ( 2011-09-17) ;
    Michahelles, Florian
    Staake, Thorsten
  • Publication
    Eco-efficient feedback technologies : Which eco-feedback types prefer drivers most?
    (IEEE, 2011-06-20) ;
    Staake, Thorsten
    Brogle, Marc
    Tulusan, Johannes
    Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions' accumulation in the atmosphere is constantly increasing; since transport sector contributes significantly in rising emissions, substantial action has to be taken, with the support of ICT. Eco-efficient feedback devices, based on smart phone technologies, are becoming more prominent to support and influence drivers to understand their own CO2 footprint. This paper seeks to evaluate how eco-efficient feedback technologies and which feedback types can contribute to environmental sustainability. In particular, how these technologies can support drivers to achieve more sustainable driving behavior. Feedback types, which influence drivers, are most notably financial savings shown over a longer period and peer reviews.
    Scopus© Citations 22
  • Publication
    Inferring Usage Characteristics of Electric Bicycles from Position Information
    (ACM Digital Library, 2010-11-29) ;
    Michahelles, Florian
    This paper describes an experimental setup for the analysis of e-bike usage characteristics based on GPS data. Usage characteristics include parameters such as average and maximum velocity, trip lengths and distribution over daytime. Based on high resolution position measurement these parameters are extracted and compared to other studies on both e-bikes and conventional bicycles. We show that applying location technology to concurrent monitoring of a fleet of e-bikes yields higher quality in terms of resolution and accuracy (1), and is less intrusive (2) than obtaining these data by conventional user surveys. The findings form a proof-of-concept for the adoption of location technology to transportation and behavioral sciences and suggest further interdisciplinary collaboration in these fields
    Scopus© Citations 10
  • Publication
    Claims prevention within home insurance : Insights from insurance customers
    ( 2011-06-06) ; ;
    von Watzdorf, Stephan
    The recent economic crisis has speeded up the concentration process within the European insurance sector. However, nowadays customers are more price sensitive, which increases pressure for the whole industry and in consequence leads to further premium erosions. Thus, some insurers are seeking new ways to differentiate their portfolio by offering innovative insurance products combined with prevention activities to compete with a high value-added service strategy. The objective of this research is to gain knowledge about consumer habits related to prevention articles and the acceptance of prevention solutions to the issue of water claims prevention. We explored this through an online survey (N=197) and Telephone Assisted Web Interviews (N=122) using the same questionnaire to allow a mixed reporting of the data. The respondents are all Swiss individuals which are all responsible for the buying decisions of insurance products within their respective households. About one fifth of all respondents indicated to have at least one insurance relevant claim within the last five years. The main claims cause results in water related damages followed by fire. But in terms of claims prevention individuals are just almost exclusively aware of fire protection than on water claims protection. More than 40% of the Swiss households are featured with fire extinguishers and fire blankets, however less than three percent use water sensors to detect water leaks or related damages. The main reason is that fire protection helps to prevent injuries and may save lives while water claims prevention can be implemented (from an insurance point of view) to save high claims costs. Based on our surveys we are able deriving recommended actions for insurance companies in order to reduce claim costs by motivating claims prevention to their customers. Henceforth, this increases their own differentiation capabilities as well as customer loyalty in the above mentioned weak market environment.
  • Publication
    Telematics Strategy for Automobile Insurers : Whitepaper
    (I-Lab, 2013) ; ;
    Staake, Thorsten
    Ackermann, Lukas
    Best, Jonas
    Egli, Lukas
    This whitepaper investigates the business implications telematics services and Pay-as-you-drive (PAYD) insurance in particular, from the perspective of automobile insurance providers. Specifically, it discusses - the PROFITABILITY and competitive dynamics of PAYD insurance, - a simplified BUSINESS CASE for a new market entrant with a PAYD product, - the present STRUCTURE OF INTERNATIONAL MARKETS for insurance telematics services, - DRIVERS AND BARRIERS for the focus markets Switzerland-Austria-Germany, and - the design of insurance telematics BUSINESS MODELS. With respect to PAYD insurance as an isolated offering, we show that the likelihood of commercial success is the largest for a new market entrant offering a PAYD insurance product. In this scenario, profitability of a business case depends primarily on two factors, technology costs and the reduction of the average claims rate in a PAYD tariff class that could not be formed by conventional rate-making approaches. Technology costs likely to reduce over time and with larger scale. The average claim rate, on the other hand, is difficult to project since it depends on the behavior of market participants after the introduction of a PAYD offering. Conclusively, the introduction of such an offering constitutes a risky endeavor that is subject to several uncertainties, but comes with the prospect of substantial profits in an otherwise saturated market. The presented business case is restricted to PAYD insurance. The market analysis and an in-depth interview study revealed that a range of REACTIVE telematics services is largely accepted today and has found promoters in most markets of Europe and the United States. Often, such services are bundled to increase the value-added while creating synergies in terms of shared technology costs. On the other hand, a second category of PROACTIVE telematics services, including PAYD insurance, has found only limited adoption. One key barrier for such services are privacy concerns of customers. However, innovative vendors such as INSURETHEBOX (UK) have demonstrated that these are manageable. Lastly, we provide a business model template for insurance telematics services. The template is validated with two exemplary offerings and can serve as an implementation-oriented decision tool for insurance companies and their partners. It combines the insights gained in the previous parts of this study. With the specific domains introduced in the template, insurers can more precisely estimate costs and revenues of telematics offerings and clearly define their market positioning. The paper closes with recommendations for action directed towards automobile insurance providers.