Now showing 1 - 10 of 22
  • Publication
    Linking network targets and site capabilities : a conceptual framework to determine site contributions to strategic manufacturing network targets
    Purpose - To cope with the increasing challenges of globalisation, various manufacturing companies have established intra-company manufacturing networks. The purpose of this paper is to link the strategic network targets (i.e., accessibility, thriftiness represented by economies of scale and economies of scope, mobility, and learning) with the capabilities and characteristics of the constituting sites of the manufacturing network and thus facilitate the identification of mismatches and the discussion of possible development paths for the network. Design/methodology/approach - We derive a conceptual framework from the literature which is tested with a single case; a manufacturing network consisting of 8 manufacturing sites. Case data were collected based on 24 interviews with operations managers at network level and a standardised online survey among the sites' management teams. Findings - Results indicate that manufacturing network and site levels need to be related when striving for a fit between manufacturing strategy, network strategy, and site capabilities and characteristics. Research limitations/implications - Single case studies have only limited generalisability. Nevertheless, the case demonstrates the usefulness of several dimensions when analysing manufacturing networks on site and network level. Originality/value - This paper represents the first attempt to link strategic targets of intra-company manufacturing networks with site capabilities and characteristics. Thereby, it provides a theoretical basis for future research on the relationship between strategic targets of manufacturing networks and their fulfilment. The developed manufacturing site portfolio, moreover, extends the site role typology discussion by a multi-dimensional perspective and represents a starting point for a multi-faceted discussion of site roles.
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    Digging Deeper into Supply Risk : A Systematic Literature Review on Price Risks
    Purpose-Risks related to the purchase prices of industrial consumption factors (raw materials, semi-finished/finished goods, auxiliary materials, and operating materials) exert an increasing influence on manufacturing companies' business continuity and economic sustainability. The aim of this paper is both to provide an overview of existing knowledge pertaining to the management of price risks in manufacturing companies from an operations management (OM) perspective and to establish an agenda for future research. Design/methodology/approach-A systematic literature review was conducted following the literature search approach of vom Brocke et al. (2009). In total, 138 relevant articles were identified, analysed, and synthesised. Findings-The literature review reveals that the existing OM literature devotes little attention to price risks and their management in manufacturing companies. In particular, further empirical investigation is required to support decisionmaking in various risk contexts. Social implications-This paper emphasises that in addition to existing national resource funds and inter-company alliances, alternative concepts are required to secure both stable prices and access to natural resources. Otherwise, in the future, small- and medium-sized companies, along with companies based in countries lacking available resource funds, will not have an opportunity to engage in fair competition. Originality/value-To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first literature review to focus on price as a specific supply risk.
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  • Publication
    Passing the buck: transferring unanticipated purchasing costs to suppliers and customers
    ( 2015-05-11) ;
    Sohrabpour, Vahid
    Nazarpour, Ali
    Unanticipated procurement costs due to changes in input factors' market prices and exchange rates are an increasing issue for manufacturers. A popular strategy is transferring these price increases to the supply chain. Based on 12 interviews and a follow-up study, we identified the main enablers for manufacturers to do so.
  • Publication
    The effect of country level factors on the trade-off between cost and flexibility in mass customization
    ( 2015-06-29)
    Nazarpour, Ali
    Fynes, Brian
    Wiengarten, Frank
    Sohrabpour, Vahid
    Insufficient attention has been paid to both the relationship between mass customization capability and operational performance and the contingency factors affecting this relationship. We propose a model that conceptualizes the relationship between mass customization capability, flexibility performance, and cost performance. The hypotheses are empirically tested using data collected from 5th round of GMRG and secondary data obtained from World Bank and UNIDO. The results show that mass customization capability positively impacts both flexibility performance and cost performance. In addition, national logistics performance and a country's risk level impact the relationship between mass customization capability and cost performance in different ways.
  • Publication
    Towards Financial Resilience in Manufacturing Companies : A Toolbox for the Mitigation of Consumption Factors' Market Price Risks
    ( 2014-06-24) ;
    Wandfluh, Matthias
    In recent years, market price risks of industrial consumption factors have become a major issue of manufacturing companies. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview on existing market price risk mitigation strategies to support manufacturing practitioners in making their company more resilient to this risk type and to provide a theoretical basis for future research. Based on a literature review, an explorative industry study, and 8 semi-structured interviews, we identified 34 market price risk mitigation strategies. Following Tang (2006), we clustered these strategies and built up a toolbox for the mitigation of consumption factors' market price risks.
  • Publication
    The impact of investments in innovation practices on competitive advantage
    ( 2014-06-23)
    Nazarpour, Ali
    Sohrabpour, Vahid
    Fynes, Brian
    In an increasingly competitive environment, technical innovation in products and processes is by a vast number of manufacturing companies regarded as one of the most powerful enablers to differentiate from competitors and achieve competitive advantage. Accordingly, some manufacturing companies spend significant amounts of investments in innovation projects. In this paper, we examine the relationship between financial investments in innovation practices and competitive advantage. The results show that there is not a significant correlation between both constructs and higher financial investments do not necessarily lead to an increased competitive advantage.
  • Publication
    Supply Chain Finance : A Risk Perspective
    ( 2014-04-13)
    Wandfluh, Matthias
    Alard, Robert
    Schoensleben, Paul
    Due to the increasing worldwide competition and the desire to enter new markets, a growing number of manufacturers have to cope with globally dispersed customer and supplier networks. Not only does the globalization cause an increased number and complexity of buyer-supplier relationships, extended lead times, and supplementary inventory buffers, but also higher capital commitments and increased financial risks. However, the allocation of these additional costs and risks along the supply chain is often found to be suboptimal from a supply chain perspective. A collaborative strategy on how to distribute the financial burden and risks along the supply chain optimally would both enhance supply chain stability and reduce the overall supply chain costs. Although various concepts are discussed in literature, an overview on potential benefits and risks to be addressed is so far missing. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to inform upon the key factors to be considered when collaboratively financing inventories, and on how these factors correlate. Identifying the different conditions that enable or restrict the application of supply chain finance in practice, the paper provides valuable insights for both, researchers and practitioners.