2023-04-132023-04-13https://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/handle/20.500.14171/58171Consumers, investors and other external stakeholders increasingly expect companies to respect environ-mental and social interests. They hold the brand owner responsible for all practices involved in the making of a product, independently whether this concerns the brand owner's or a supplier's activities. Thus, any party in the supply chain not complying with the brand owner's communicated corporate sustainability standards (e.g. codes of conduct) can potentially damage reputation or harm customer confidence. The project seeks to develop a hands-on «sustainability supply chain management approach» to ensure compliance with environmental and social corporate sustainability standards by suppliers and sub-suppliers.NachhaltigkeitsstandardsSustainable Supply Chain ManagementCorporate Sustainability StandardsCode of ConductSub-SupplierKTI-SC3: Sicherstellung der Einhaltung freiwilliger ökologischer und sozialer Nachhaltigkeitsstandards durch Lieferanten und Unterlieferantenapplied research project