Lang, ChristianChristianLang2023-04-132023-04-132021 demands on the modern football coach are comprehensive and characterized by growing complexity. This research project is dedicated to the question what skills a football coach needs to bring to the highest football leagues today in order to be successful. Based on competence models from theory and practice, a trainer competence profile with corresponding sub-competencies was created and evaluated through expert interviews. With the help of a quantitative study in form of a regression and difference analysis, a model for the quantitative evaluation of coaching performance was developed, which at the same time constituted the basis for determining the concept of success and the choice of interview partners. The interviews with successful coaches and players revealed the following characteristics, which are significant for coaches to succeed in modern football: They have a high interest in people and treat each player individually, since the relationship with each player is essential to them. The coach is increasingly expected to be empathic with his players and the entire coaching team. Successful coaches delegate responsibility and promote their employees and players. They communicate intensively with each individual player and succeed in motivating the entire team. In summary, social-communicative and leadership skills proved to be key qualifications in order to be successful. Furthermore, the interviewed players emphasized the importance of basic values such as honesty, humility and trust. The particularly relevant sub-competences identified in the expert interviews could be operationalized in form of a competence model, which encompasses the decisive sub-competences, stakeholder groups, trainer activities and fundamental values. The corresponding construct enables a deeper understanding of the coaching profession in world-class football as well as its requirements and necessary competences.deManagementSportFührungFußballtrainerEDIS-5057Erhebung und Konzeptualisierung der Kernkompetenzen von erfolgreichen Fussballtrainern : eine Untersuchung anhand der deutschen Bundesliga und der Schweizer Super Leaguedoctoral thesis