Giuliani, ElisaElisaGiulianiSantangelo, GraziaGraziaSantangeloWettstein, FlorianFlorianWettstein2023-04-132023-04-132016 Giuliani, Grazia D. Santangelo, and Florian Wettstein invite internationalbusiness scholars to study emerging market multinationals from the perspective oftheir human rights impact. Human rights is a new challenging issue in corporatesocial responsibility research, yet so far international business scholars have largelyoverlooked their role in the quality of work, access to water, and education inmarkets they operate. The perspective continues the leadership by Professor AnneTsui, the founder ofManagement and Organization Review, in calling for a study ofmultinationals as part of global governance affecting people’s lives.enHuman Rights and International Business Research: A Call for Studying Emerging Market Multinationalsjournal article