Bischoff, StefanStefanBischoffAier, StephanStephanAierWinter, RobertRobertWinterAveiro, DavidBjekovi?, MarijaCaetano, ArturFleischmann, AlbertHeuser, LutzDe Kinderen, SybrenKomarov, Mikhail M.Koucheryavy, YevgeniMaltseva, Svetlana V.Molnar, WolfgangOberweis, AndreasProper, Henderik A.Rappa, MichaelSchmidt, WernerSchoenthaler, FrankSottet, Jean-SébastienStary, ChristianVossen, Gottfried2023-04-132023-04-132014-07-14 this paper we explore the role of pressure for the use of enterprise architecture (EA) artifact. Based on a quantitative dataset on EA artifacts and enterprise architecture management (EAM) benefits, we specifically explore the relationships between the use intensity of EA artifacts, pressure to use these artifacts, and EAM benefit realization. Focusing on the role of pressure to use EA artifacts, we conceptualize four different classes of artifacts based on (1) how intensively they are used in practice and (2) to what degree pressure increases the use intensity. Our results suggest that each class (EA shelf-warmers, EA superstars, EA annoyances, EA pressure beneficiaries) requires different approaches to foster its use intensity. We derive pressure-based and pressure-free approaches for each class aiming at increasing the use intensity of EA artifacts. Additionally we identify the EA artifacts that have the highest impact on EAM utility (e.g., map of company goals, target process map, target application landscape, and the principle ease of use). We discuss management implications accordingly. Keywords-enterprise architecture, use, utility, pressure, EA managementenUse It or Lose It? The Role of Pressure for Use and Utility of Enterprise Architecture Artifactsconference paper