Baacke, LarsLarsBaackeMettler, TobiasTobiasMettlerRohner, PeterPeterRohnerNewell, SusanWhitley, EdgarPouloudi, NancyWareham, JonathanMathiassen, Lars2023-04-132023-04-132009-06-08 changes and increasing market dynamics in the health care sector intensify the hospitals' need for cost-savings and process optimization. A first step is the documentation of processes in order to clarify the actual needs. As in health care processes are rather complex and often different players with divergent demands are involved, a disciplined approach to effectively and efficiently model processes is required. For this purpose, in this contribution a component-based modelling approach is presented and applied.eneHealthProzessmanagementComponent-based process modelling in health careconference paper