Mazzurana, ThomasThomasMazzuranaSchultheis, FranzFranzSchultheis2023-04-132023-04-132017-09 art market has not only expanded massively in volume since the end of the 2000s; it has become noticeably more globalized in regard to the actors and the institutions involved and to contemporary visual art itself. The attention of Western actors is today drawn particularly to Asia, and especially to China, whose rapidly growing economic power has been accompanied for a decade by a strongly expanding art market. At the same time, actors from the emerging markets arise with new power and their own demands. The paper is based on the results of an ethnographic research project, which focused on the positions and perspectives of the actors of the art world on the spot, their views on the current changes, the concrete practices in the Chinese and Hong Kong art markets respectively the art field in their specific socio-historical form and in their interweavement with the Western art world.frRegards sur la mondialisation. Le champ artistique en Chine et à Hong Kong sous l’égide du marché mondial de l’artjournal article