Akmeikina, ElisabethElisabethAkmeikinaEilers, KarenKarenEilersLi, Mahei ManhaiMahei ManhaiLiPeters, ChristophChristophPeters2023-04-132023-04-132022-07-09https://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/handle/20.500.14171/108499The potentials of artificial intelligence (AI) are manifold and their discussion has gained momentum in research and practice. In the same realm, AI also raises fears among employees of being replaced by AI technologies and, therefore, shying away from using it. Generally, employees want to be empowered to do their job and seek both more responsibility, as well as make their own decisions. In this paper, we conduct a systematic literature review that investigates the current state of the literature on the potential empowering effects of AI-based human-machine behavior. We thus sorted the literature into three behavioral categories: humans shape machine behavior, machines shape human behavior, human-machine co-behavior and crossed them with psychological empowerment dimensions of significance, competence, self-determination, and influence. Our results show corresponding literature streams and provide future research directions in a field that is likely to disrupt the way we work in the future.enempowermentartificial intelligenceeffects of AIhybrid intelligenceemployee centricityEmpowerment Effects in Human-machine Collaboration - A Systematic Literature Review and Directions on Hybrid Intelligence Behavior Patternsconference paper