Koehne, SebastianSebastianKoehneSachs, DominikDominikSachs2023-04-132023-04-132022https://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/handle/20.500.14171/109401We analyze Pareto-efficient tax deduction rules for work-related expenses. Pareto efficiency dictates a strict rule for marginal deductions along the income distribution. An immediate implication is a recipe for designing Pareto-improving reforms. We apply our theory and simulate a Pareto-improving reform that introduces deductions for non-care household services (housekeeping, gardening, laundry) in the United States. The reform combines marginal deduction rates for household services between 55% and 85% with a slight increase in marginal tax rates.enOptimal taxationTax deductionPareto-improving tax reformPareto-improving reforms of tax deductionsjournal article