Schwizer, MarinaMarinaSchwizer2023-04-132023-04-132020-02-17 a legal point of view, corporate restructurings often revolve around labor law issues. Regularly, the input factor labor should be optimized through a change in working conditions. This may involve, for example, a change in working hours, the allocation of a new workplace or the reduction of wages. Temporary measures such as the introduction of short-time working or the ordering of forced holidays may also be part of a restructuring plan. Restructurings also often lead to a downsizing and/or the sale of companies or parts of it. When implementing such corporate restructuring measures, the employer is always caught between the freedom of contract on the one hand and the protection of employees on the other. The present work focuses on the complex labor law challenges that arise in the context of restructurings.deSchweizArbeitsrechtUnternehmenssanierungBetriebsübergangRestrukturierungEDIS-4966UmstrukturierungVertragsanpassungKurzarbeitSanierungsmassnahmenArbeitsrechtliche Fragen bei der Sanierung des Arbeitgebersdoctoral thesis