Uebernickel, FalkFalkUebernickelBrenner, WalterWalterBrennerAbolhassan, Ferri2023-04-132023-04-132014https://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/handle/20.500.14171/8820310.1007/978-3-642-40219-7_2The world of information technology (IT) continues to undergo rapid change. The appearance of new technologies such as cloud computing, mobile communication, social media or big data is exerting a lasting effect on established industries and is even forging new industries and shaping society itself. Examples include companies like Zalando or Car2Go, which have successfully used IT to set up new business models and go head-to-head with established companies in the market. This progress requires agility and customer focus, as well as efficiency, effectiveness and quality across the entire IT sector. Both the clock speed now required for product development and the pace of development for new application systems or mobile device applications is accelerating significantly. At the same time, requirements for these systems' operational stability, security and flexibility (in terms of scaling) are also growing. On the customer side, we are also seeing a new, higher-quality kind of IT literacy. The digital natives are demanding new, IT-based solutions for their daily tasks at home and in the office.enThe Challenges of Modern ITbook section