Laura BraunSven ReineckeSabine KirchemMartin StadelmannMario PufahlDavid Laux2025-02-192025-02-192025-02-1397836584579769783658457983 market’s increasing diversity of providers, products, and services confronts today’s companies with expanding customer demands and desires for immediate, individual treatment. Systematically managing customer data and concretely collecting and using feedback makes an effective and efficient customer approach possible, and also facilitates the individualization and optimization of services and products. This chapter deals with the preconditions, options for action, and effects of individualized service design. First, we discuss the necessity of data collection and enrichment as a basis for the use of customer data. Subsequently, we demonstrate possibilities and design measures in interaction and performance optimization through concrete examples. At the end of the chapter, we summarize relevant findings for decision-makers with guiding questions for a management-oriented approach in customer-data-centric product and service design.enCustomer DataProductsServicesData CollectionService DesignOptimizationProduct DesignUsing Customer Data and Feedback to Optimize Products and Servicesbook section