Kowatsch, TobiasTobiasKowatschMaass, WolfgangWolfgangMaassFiller, AndreasAndreasFillerJanzen, SabineSabineJanzen2023-04-132023-04-132008-07-08https://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/handle/20.500.14171/7810710.1109/ICMB.2008.34Mobile technologies have the potential to change not only brick-and-mortar stores but also the way, how customers interact with physical products. They enable operational agility by means of improved availability and quality of information required by customers for in-store purchase decisions. In this paper, we show how an in-store bundling scenario can be supported by semantically enriched products (denoted as smart products) that provide dynamic product information through the use of mobile recommendation agents (MRA). We introduce therefore the concept of knowledge-based bundling that relies on smart products and MRA. In addition, we developed a MRA and evaluated its user acceptance for product bundle purchases. For this purpose, a lab experiment was conducted (n=37), which resulted in some design enhancements and promising adoption ratesenMobile recommendation agentsmart productsbundling strategyKnowledge-Based Bundling of Smart Products on a Mobile Recomendation Agentconference paper