Li, Mahei ManhaiMahei ManhaiLiPeters, ChristophChristophPetersLeimeister, Jan MarcoJan MarcoLeimeister2023-04-132023-04-132018, research on service science has emerged as its own discipline, where service systems are its basic unit of analysis. However, without a clearly defined modeling approach for service systems, analyzing a service system is challenging. We therefore propose a conceptual hypergraph-based modeling approach, which can be used to model services for both traditional goods-dominant businesses, as well as service-businesses. We define key elements of a service system while drawing upon hypergraph theory and present three modeling properties which are required to model a service systems graph (SSG). The focus of SSGs is to describe the relationships between the various resources, actors and activities, thus configuring a service system. It provides the foundation for computer graphic simulations and database applications of service business structure for future research.enModelingService ModelingService System GraphService System ModelingService SystemsService Systems EngineeringhypergraphA Hypergraph-based Modeling Approach for Service Systemsconference paper