Huber, SamuelSamuelHuber2023-04-132023-04-132022-09-19 do organizations make sense of what is not there yet? This dissertation applies a strategy as practice lens to investigate how organizations engage in strategic sensemaking about future states that are just taking form. While most research has primarily emphasized the discursive and cognitive practices involved in retrospective sensemaking, this study aims to foreground the sociomaterial side of an organizations proactive engagement with its emerging context. Based on the longitudinal study of an innovative strategic initiative, this thesis extends the literature on strategic sensemaking with the notion of strategizing as prototyping. It develops a flow model of strategic prototyping that integrates a prototype, synthesis and resonance loop to explain the intricate practices that tangibly enact future states in the present. Moreover, it shows how such enactment is not solely cognitive and discursive but crucially influenced by sociomaterial prototypes and practices. Hence, it completes our primarily discursive understanding of strategic sensemaking with a decisively material perspective that extends our definition of strategizing artefacts beyond their substance toward their significance.enStrategisches ManagementPrototypRapid PrototypingMaterialitätZukunftInnovationsmanagementEDIS-5226sociomaterialityprototypingstrategy as practicematerialitystrategizingSensemakingresonanceenactmentStrategizing as prototyping : a sociomaterial approach to strategic sensemaking in emerging contextsdoctoral thesis