Christen, AndreasAndreasChristenHalter, FrankFrankHalterKammerlander, NadineNadineKammerlanderKünzi, DamianDamianKünziMerki, ManuelaManuelaMerkiZellweger, ThomasThomasZellweger2023-04-132023-04-132013 success and competitiveness requires constant effort - on the part of individual companies as well as the Swiss economy as a whole. This study, which is based on a representative survey of more than 2,000 Swiss SMEs, contributes to the debate on Switzerland's sustainable success as an economic center and examines the current political direction from an SME perspective. As part of this year's focal theme of company succession, we additionally examine how SMEs pass on their businesses and successful formulas to the upcoming generation of entrepreneurs and look at which factors play an important role in ensuring that the handover goes as smoothly as possible in practice.enNachfolgeSucessionFamilybusinessFamily BusinessEntrepreneurSuccess Factors for Swiss SMEs : Company Succession in Practicework report