Blaschke, MichaelMichaelBlaschkeHaki, KazemKazemHakiRiss, UweUweRissAier, StephanStephanAierMaedche, Alexandervom Brocke, JanHevner, Alan2023-04-132023-04-132017-05-30 research gives rise to the notion of business-model-based management that stresses the pivotal role of the business model concept in organizational management. This role entails a shift in research from predominantly examining business model representation to the use of the business model concept in the design of management methods. In designing respective management methods, managers need to not only account for the business model concept, but also consider the characteristics of the emerging business environments in which business models are devised. To this, our study guides the design of business-model-based management methods through exploiting service-dominant logic, a theoretical lens that conceptualizes the emerging business environment. By means of design science research, this study develops four design principles for business-model-based management methods namely, ecosystem-, technology-, mobilization-, and co-creation-oriented management. This study also articulates the principles' rationale and implications and discusses their contribution in achieving business-model-based management.enDesign PrinciplesBusiness Model (BM)Business-Model-based Management (BMBM)Service-dominant (S-D) LogicDesign Science Research (DSR)Design Principles for Business-Model-based Management Methods—A Service-dominant Logic Perspectiveconference paper