Kleinschmidt, StefanStefanKleinschmidt2023-04-132023-04-132021https://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/handle/20.500.14171/111112Service companies in human-centered service systems (HCSSs) strive for information and communications technology (ICT)-related service innovation (SI) to overcome cost pressure, limited resources, and to drive their business. HCSSs, such as care, nursing, or other industries, are of great importance because they cover areas that are essential for society and everyday life. The result of SI is a revised service concept that offers the possibility to enhance value creation and value capture of the services. In reality, the expected benefits from SI never materialize because an integrated design of service business has been insufficiently adressed. The integration of processes and tools from service design and business model design is critical for implementing SI. Given the relevance, the objective of this dissertation is to develop design knowledge that integrates the design of value creation and value capture (service business design) for HCSSs enabling the benefits of ICT-enabled SI. To improve the service business design for HCSSs, the dissertation includes a two-phase research approach. This approach includes an explorative phase in which the problem and possible solutions are clarified, and an implementation phase in which design artifacts are developed, tested, and formalized. In the first phase, a systematic literature review about ICT-enabled SI in HCSSs is conducted to explore the characteristics of the research area. Based on this knowledge, SI practices are analyzed to show what constitutes service business design. In the second phase, this knowledge is used to develop design requirements and design principles as a design artifact for innovating HCSSs with ICT. This design knowledge is evaluated in a real-world setting that aims at the development and introduction of HCSSs. The design knowledge included will offer theoretical contributions and practical implications. First, the findings expand the knowledge about SI by summarizing the state of research and detailing the SI process and its implementation with focus on ICT. This SI knowledge gives an understanding of the distinct roles and activities of service design and business model design in the process of ICT-enabled SI. Second, the findings provide a theoretical basis for service business design. This basis includes a combination of value creation and value capture by integrating design approaches and detailing design practices. The knowledge about practices in service business design enables a systematic design. Third, the findings provide a theoretical basis for HCSSs and the concepts for a systematic design. The specified characteristics enable an improved understanding of structures, processes, and business logic. Thus, service providers can optimize capabilities in designing and operating HCSSs.enInnovationDienstleistungGeschäftsmodellService-DesignDesignwissenschaft <Informatik>EDIS-5053Service Business Design for Human-Centered Service Systemsdoctoral thesis