2023-04-132023-04-13https://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/handle/20.500.14171/58925GENESIS: Enterprise Application Interoperability - Integration for SMEs, Governmental Organizations and Intermediaries in the New European Union The GENESIS project will develop a prototype system to enable the typical, usually small and medium, East-European enterprise to conduct its Business transactions over Internet, by interconnecting its main transactional software applications and systems with those of collaborating enterprises, banking/social insurance institutions and governmental bodies, with respect to the evolving legal and regulatory status. A typical business case of GENESIS will include the following: The enterprise will produce business documents through its existing ERP application or via a web browser (if no application is available) in order to submit it to another collaborative enterprise. Through the GENESIS server the document will be stored and forwarded to the final recipient ensuring security and confidentiality of data. The recipient will retrieve the document and automatically incorporate it into its existing application (or web browser in case no application exists). The project is coordinated by Singular Software SA and implemented by a consortium of 14 partners and a third party from Austria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and the United Kingdom representing more than 200,000 end-user installations of enterprise applications. The duration of the GENESIS project is 30 months.GENESISEUFP6GENESISapplied research project