Knote, RobinRobinKnoteSöllner, MatthiasMatthiasSöllnerLeimeister, Jan MarcoBrenner, Walter2023-04-132023-04-132017-02-12 satisfy service customers and create unique value in a digitized world, companies must strive for exceeding customers’ expectations of e-service experience by establishing high e-service quality. However, an increasing amount of e-services is performed by context-aware mobile technology, which is able to sense and react to changes in the user’s environment. Although these context-aware services are able to address our personal needs and already determine our everyday live, knowledge on how to develop such services is sparse. In our study, we qualitatively compare three mobile navigation apps based on their user reviews in order to elicit first requirements and design approaches for e-service quality oriented design. Results show that well known e-service quality models are not fully applicable to the case of mobile navigation services.encontext-aware servicesdesign requirementse-service qualityuser reviewsTowards Design Excellence for Context-Aware Services - The Case of Mobile Navigation Appsconference paper