Hüter, Philippe PatrickPhilippe PatrickHüter2023-04-132023-04-132022-02-21https://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/handle/20.500.14171/108965This thesis examines the value proposition of compliance management systems for listed Swiss companies. The identification and evaluation of effective compliance mechanisms strengthens the raison d'être of compliance and aims to reduce harm to the economy. The theoretical discussion begins with the regulatory framework of corporate governance and an overview of the essential links to enterprise risk management, internal control and internal audit. Based on the codes of conduct of all issuers in the SMI Expanded, an introduction to legal compliance is then provided. In the context of this mixed-methods study, seventeen expert interviews were conducted in a first exploratory step to identify the components of compliance management systems and the resulting value contribution. The results were statistically validated by a survey on compliance control mechanisms given to top-level managers of 136 listed Swiss companies. Despite the findings suggesting that risk assessment, communication and monitoring of compliance lead to a value contribution in public companies, no relevant significant correlation with company performance was identified. However, excluding financial companies, there is strong evidence that compliance risk assessment and compliance monitoring lead to higher financial performance.deCompliance-SystemCorporate GovernanceInternes KontrollsystemEffektivitätLeistungsmessungRisikomanagementEDIS-5179Internal ControlISO 37301Corporate GovernanceMixed-MethodsInternal AuditStrukturgleichungsmodellierungInterne RevisionQualitative InhaltsanalyseEffective ComplianceStructural equation modelingISO 19600PS 980RegressionsanalyseWirksame ComplianceEnterprise Risk ManagementQualitative content analysisRegression analysisWirksame Compliance im Rahmen der Corporate Governance Empirische Erkenntnisse in börsenkotierten Schweizer Unternehmendoctoral thesis