Jahnert, Jonas RaphaelJonas RaphaelJahnert2023-04-132023-04-132023-02-20https://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/handle/20.500.14171/107721This dissertation empirically investigates the consumer behavior of insurance customers to draw implications for the strategic decisions of insurers. The implications are relevant for decisions regarding customer and pricing strategies as well as the development of sustainable insurance products. The first paper analyzes whether satisfied customers are also profitable customers. The second paper examines, how insurance companies can optimize their pricing strategies in a regulated and competitive market, considering customers willingness to pay (WTP). The subsequent two papers examine the purchasing behavior of sustainable insurance products. The first paper, The relationship between net promoter score and insurers' profitability: an empirical analysis at the customer level, investigates, at the level of a single customer, whether high NPS-Scores of customers are associated with greater contribution margins. Based on the data of a Swiss insurer, we show that satisfied customers are also profitable customers, as they exhibit more signed contracts and have longer-lasting relationships with the insurer. The second paper, Pricing Strategies in the German Term Life Insurance Market: An Empirical Analysis, compares actuarial fair prices for term life insurance contracts in Germany with the respective market prices and customers WTP. Taking regulatory requirements and competition into account, we derive separate profit-increasing pricing strategies for three different product segments, compared to the status quo. The third paper, Consumers Perceptions and Purchasing Behavior of Sustainable Insurance Products, examines consumer behavior with regard to sustainable insurance products. First, a survey is conducted to compare consumer attitudes toward sustainable products in six different industries. Then, two experiments are conducted to evaluate the effect of a sustainable insurance product on consumers purchase intention, trust, and perceived quality. The results show that sustainable attributes substantially increase consumers' purchase intention for an insurance product, even at a price premium. The last paper, What matters more being a Green Company or offering Green Products?, analyzes the question of whether it makes a difference in consumer perception of whether an insurance incorporates a sustainable attribute at the product or the company level. In three studies, the paper shows that sustainable attributes at the product level, lead to higher purchase intention, WTP more, and increased perceived greenness.enVersicherungMarketingPreispolitikPreisbildungNachhaltigkeitEDIS-5287Preisdiskriminationpricing strategiesPreisstratgienprice discriminationsustainable attributesKundenzufriedenheitNachhaltige VersicherungsprodukteNachhaltige AttributeNet Promoter Scoresustainable insuranceCustomer satisfactionEssays on Customer Satisfaction, Pricing Strategies, and Sustainable Purchasing Behavior in the Insurance Industrydoctoral thesis