Bärenfänger, RiekeRiekeBärenfängerLisanti, BrunoBrunoLisantiKamphuis, RenéRenéKamphuisCaire, RaphaelRaphaelCaireOtto, BorisBorisOttoDaniluk, DamianDamianDaniluk2023-04-132023-04-132014-06-11https://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/handle/20.500.14171/86782The DREAM FP7 RTD project develops solutions for active distribution energy networks with integrated distributed renewable energy resources. It is a collaborative research project with a project duration of 36 months (2013 - 2016) involving R&D institutions, ICT and manufacturing industry partners, and DSOs. Over the course of the project, 12 partners from seven European countries work on the foundations for a novel heterarchical management approach of electric power grids based on agent systems and considering current and future designs of electricity market systems. The present paper describes market specific results from the initial phase of the project and discusses challenges and solution approaches associated with the creation of a new electricity distribution scenario. [http://www.cired.net/publications/workshop2014/papers/CIRED2014WS_0312_final.pdf Paper download link] [http://www.cired2014-workshop.org/ CIRED workshop 2014 link]ensmart griddistributed energy resourceselectricity marketExtending the Electricity Marketplace to Distribution Entitiesconference paper