Seika, JulianeJulianeSeikaMerla Kubli2023-11-212023-11-212023 volumes of electric vehicles (EVs) will reach the end of their first life in the process of the mobility transition. While EV and battery producers may face supply chain issues due to lacking raw materials or high prices, the residual value of EV batteries remains untapped. This study focuses on repurposing and recycling of EV batteries as central pathways of a circular economy. We investigate the decision factors to transition from the current linear system to a circular economy in Switzerland. A System Dynamics approach is presented that captures the interconnection of significant drivers and barriers for establishing circular battery solutions. The model will serve to assess the impact of the newly introduced EU Battery Directive and test path dominance for repurposing and recycling strategies. Expected results will indicate the effects of the new EU Battery Directive, allowing policy recommendations to balance incentives for promoting recycling while not hampering repurposing opportunities. Especially, consumer preferences and novel business models are expected to have high relevance in the transition.Circular EconomyEV batteriesSwitzerlandRepurposeRecycleEU Battery DirectiveTowards a circular economy for lithium-ion batteries: Repurpose or recycle end-of-(first)-life materials?conference paper