Guggemos, JosefJosefGuggemosSeufert, SabineSabineSeufert2023-04-132023-04-132020-11 digital transformation has implications for how and what to teach. For the purpose of professional development, the paper at hand presents a conceptual framework for predicting the use of technology as a means and as a content of instruction. It is informed by the TPACK framework and the ‘will, skill, tool’ model. The predictors are Technological Knowledge (TK), Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK), Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), Technological Collaboration Knowledge (TCoK), and Attitudes. These constructs are measured by newly developed self-assessment instruments. Structural equation modeling using a sample of 212 in-service teachers from commercial schools in German-speaking Switzerland lend support to the soundness of the measurement instrument and the conceptual framework. Overall, 36% of the variance of the use of technology as a means and 45% of the variance for the use as the content of instruction can be explained. Mediation and multigroup analyses, a finite-mixture segmentation, comparisons of competing models, and factor score regression yielded evidence for the robustness of the conceptual framework.enTeaching with and teaching about technology - evidence for professional development of in-service teachersjournal article