Cole, MichaelMichaelColeFeild, HurbertHurbertFeildGiles, William F.William F.Giles2023-04-132023-04-132003 used as an initial screening tool, applicants' resumes provide employers a convenient and cost-effective means for assessing applicants' qualifications in areas such as education, work experience, and special skills. In the current study, we investigated if recruiters' judgments of the presence of information reported on applicants' resumes was related to applicants' general mental ability and Big Five personality dimensions. Two hundred and eighty-four recruiters assessed the extent to which specific items were present on the resumes of actual job applicants (N = 321). Results showed relationships between recruiters' assessments regarding applicants' resume information and applicants' mental ability and personality traits. Implications for the use of resume information in the selection process are discussed.enWhat can we uncover about applicants based on their resumes? A field studyjournal article