Knote, RobinRobinKnoteJanson, AndreasAndreasJansonSöllner, MatthiasMatthiasSöllnerLeimeister, Jan MarcoJan MarcoLeimeister2023-04-132023-04-132019 digital age has yielded systems that increasingly reduce the complexity of our everyday lives. As such, smart personal assistants such as Amazon’s Alexa or Apple’s Siri combine the comfort of intuitive natural language interaction with the utility of personalized and situation-dependent information and service provision. However, research on SPAs is becoming increasingly complex and opaque. To reduce complexity, this paper introduces a classification system for SPAs. Based on a systematic literature review, a cluster analysis reveals five SPA archetypes: Adaptive Voice (Vision) Assistants, Chatbot Assistants, Embodied Virtual Assistants, Passive Pervasive Assistants, and Natural Conversation Assistants.enClassificationCluster AnalysisIntelligent AgentsLiterature ReviewSmart Personal AssistantsClassifying Smart Personal Assistants: An Empirical Cluster Analysisconference paper