Davidsson, PerGordon, ScottBergmann, Heiko2023-04-132023-04-132011https://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/handle/20.500.14171/94728The past two decades have witnessed a surge in interest in the field of nascent entrepreneurship. In this collection, the editors successfully draw together the most important works that utilize the new longitudinal approaches that were developed in the 1990s for studying early stage entrepreneurial activity. Providing the empirical, theoretical and methodological insights from some of the most influential researchers in this field, this book is an indispensable source of reference for researchers, students and others who have an interest in new venture creation and its role in the economy. Contents: Introduction Per Davidsson, Scott R. Gordon and Heiko Bergmann PART I THE FORERUNNERS 1. Paul Reynolds and Brenda Miller (1992), ‘New Firm Gestation: Conception, Birth, and Implications for Research' 2. Elizabeth J. Gatewood, Kelly G. Shaver and William B. Gartner (1995), ‘A Longitudinal Study of Cognitive Factors Influencing Start-Up Behaviors and Success at Venture Creation' 3. Paul D. Reynolds (1997), ‘Who Starts New Firms? - Preliminary Explorations of Firms-in-Gestation' 4. Nancy M. Carter, William B. Gartner and Paul D. Reynolds (1996), ‘Exploring Start-Up Event Sequences' PART II THE INDIVIDUAL(S) 5. Phillip H Kim, Howard E. Aldrich and Lisa A. Keister (2006), ‘Access (Not) Denied: The Impact of Financial, Human, and Cultural Capital on Entrepreneurial Entry in the United States' 6. Frédéric Delmar and Per Davidsson (2000), ‘Where Do They Come From? Prevalence and Characteristics of Nascent Entrepreneurs' 7. Martin Ruef, Howard E. Aldrich and Nancy M. Carter (2003), ‘The Structure of Founding Teams: Homophily, Strong Ties, and Isolation Among U.S. Entrepreneurs' 8. Nancy M. Carter, William B. Gartner, Kelly G. Shaver and Elizabeth J. Gatewood (2003), "The Career Reasons of Nascent Entrepreneurs' PART III THE PROCESS 9. Gry Agnete Alsos and Elisabet Ljunggren (1998), "Does the Business Start-Up Process Differ by Gender? - A Longitudinal Study of Nascent Entrepreneurs' 10. Gry Agnete Alsos and Lars Kolvereid (1998), "The Business Gestation Process of Novice, Serial, and Parallel Business Founders' 11. Jianwen (Jon) Liao and Harold Welsch (2008), "Patterns of Venture Gestation Process: Exploring the Differences Between Tech and Non-tech Nascent Entrepreneurs' 12. Jonathan T. Eckhardt, Scott Shane and Frédéric Delmar (2006), "Multistage Selection and the Financing of New Ventures' PART IV EXPLAINING OUTCOMES 13. Simon C. Parker and Yacine Belghitar (2006), "What Happens to Nascent Entrepreneurs? An Econometric Analysis of the PSED' 14. Marco Van Gelderen, Roy Thurik and Niels Bosma (2005), "Success and Risk Factors in the Pre-Startup Phase' 15. Candida G. Brush, Tatiana S. Manolova and Linda F. Edelman (2008), "Properties of Emerging Organizations: An Empirical Test' 16. Frédéric Delmar and Scott Shane (2003), "Does Business Planning Facilitate the Development of New Ventures?' PART V THE INTEGRATION OF INDIVIDUAL(S) AND OUTCOMES 17. Per Davidsson and Benson Honig (2003), "The Role of Social and Human Capital Among Nascent Entrepreneurs' 18. Beate Rotefoss and Lars Kolvereid (2005), "Aspiring, Nascent and Fledgling Entrepreneurs: An Investigation of the Business Start-up Process' 19. Dimo Dimov (2010), "Nascent Entrepreneurs and Venture Emergence: Opportunity Confidence, Human Capital, and Early Planning' 20. Gaylen N. Chandler, Benson Honig and Johan Wiklund (2005), "Antecedents, Moderators, and Performance Consequences of Membership Change in New Venture Teams' PART VI THE INTEGRATION OF PROCESS AND OUTCOMES 21. Jianwen Liao, Harold Welsch and Wee-Liang Tan (2005), "Venture Gestation Paths of Nascent Entrepreneurs: Exploring the Temporal Patterns' 22. Mikael Samuelsson and Per Davidsson (2009), "Does Venture Opportunity Variation Matter? Investigating Systematic Process Differences Between Innovative and Imitative New Ventures' 23. Benyamin B. Lichtenstein, Nancy M. Carter, Kevin J. Dooley and William B. Gartner (2007), "Complexity Dynamics of Nascent Entrepreneurship' 24. Benson Honig and Tomas Karlsson (2004), "Institutional Forces and the Written Business Plan' PART VII NASCENT ENTREPRENEURSHIP ACROSS COUNTRY CONTEXTS (GEM) 25. Sander Wennekers, André van Stel, Roy Thurik and Paul Reynolds (2005), "Nascent Entrepreneurship and the Level of Economic Development' 26. Dave Valliere and Rein Peterson (2009), "Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth: Evidence from Emerging and Developed Countries' 27. Jolanda Hessels, Marco van Gelderen and Roy Thurik (2008), "Entrepreneurial Aspirations, Motivations, and their Drivers' 28. Seok-Woo Kwon and Pia Arenius (2010), "Nations of Entrepreneurs: A Social Capital Perspective' PART VIII METHOD OBSERVATIONS 29. Paul Davidson Reynolds (2009), "Screening Item Effects in Estimating the Prevalence of Nascent Entrepreneurs' 30. Monica Diochon, Teresa V. Menzies and Yvon Gasse (2007), "From Becoming to Being: Measuring Firm Creation' 31. Gavin Cassar and Justin Craig (2009), "An Invesitgation of Hindsight Bias in Nascent Venture Activity' 32. Linda F. Edelman, Tatiana S. Manolova and Candida G. Brush (2008), "Entrepreneurship Education: Correspondence Between Practices of Nascent Entrepreneurs and Textbook Prescriptions for Success'enNascent Entrepreneurshipbook